Two of your Committee applied to the Examiner for the Amount
of his ffees for seven Years past, who answered in general, that he
had not made any Lists of ffees but what were sent to the Sheriffs
Annually; and could only know the Amount by having Recourse to
their Accounts and Returns, and at present was unable to do it —
Your Committee applied also to the Register of the Commissary's
Office and were informed by Letter from him that he was so unwell
as to be incapable of leaving his Bed; that he was ready to give all
the Information in his Power; that to the best of his Remembrance
the ffees in 1763 and 1764 amounted to about 224,000; in 1765, and
the following Years, down to 1769 to about 230,000; and in 1769,
by Reason of Papers not coming timely to Hand, to charge in the
preceding Year's ffees, they amounted to about 280,000 — Your Com-
mittee afterwards understanding M.r Vallette was better, went to his
Office again, and obtained a Sight of his free Books, many of which
we found not added up, or the ffees listed, and in some Years, where
the Amount was cast up, the same was marked by Letters, the Solu-
L. H. J.
Liber No. 54
Oct. 3
tion of which your Committee not being acquainted with, could come
at no Certainty. Those ffee Books they could best understand, they
did examine, particularly in 1768, and found the total Amount
236,699 — And in 1769 the total Amount was 268,149. The Amount
of ffees furnished by the Clerk of the Law Office was as follows
p. 75