Ann Arundel County ss.t
I hereby certify that on the 29:th Day of September 1770 came
John Johnson before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the
Peace for the said County and took the several Oaths to the Govern-
ment required by Law, subscribed the Oath of Abjuration, repeated
and signed the Test and the following Oath Viz.t I John Johnson do
swear that I will true Entries make of all such Matters and Things
as shall be to me directed by any Committee of the Lower House of
Assembly for whom I shall act as Clerk and that I will not divulge
the Secrets of the said House of Assembly or of any Committee
thereof but will in all Things well and truly demean myself according
to the best of my Knowledge
R Ghiselin
The ingrossed Bill entitled an Act continuing An Act entitled An
Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco for preventing Frauds in
his Majesty's Customs and for the Limitation of Officers ffees, and
the Supplementary Act thereto, with the Paper Bill thereof sent to
the Upper House by M.r Wright and M.r Gilpin. They return and
acquaint M.r Speaker they delivered the Bills
The Petition of Part of the Inhabitants of Saint Mary's County
praying another Inspector may be appointed at Lewellin's Warehouse
being read a second Time the same was granted
George Steuart Esquire from the Upper House delivers to M.r
Speaker the Paper Bill Entitled an Act continuing An Act entitled
An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco for preventing ffrauds
in his Majesty's Customs and for the Limitation of Officers ffees
and the Supplementary Act thereto thus indorsed "By the Upper
House of Assembly September 28:th 1770 The ingrossed Bill whereof
this is the Original read and assented to.
Signed by Order. U Scott Cl. Up. Ho."
John Beale Bordley and William Fitzhugh Esquires from the
Upper House acquaint M.r Speaker that the Governor requires the
Attendance of this House in the Upper House to see the Bill passed
that lay before them.
M.r Speaker left the Chair, and (with the Members of this House)
went to the Upper House and there presented the following Bill to
his Excellency