Read and referred the Petitions of Mary Hicks, and of sundry
Inhabitants of Baltimore County Sent by Daniel Dulany Esq..r
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Read and referred the Petition of James Smith of S.t Marys
County and also the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of Benedict
Hundred, in Charles County Sent by Richard Lee Esq..r
Read and rejected the Petition of Thomas Richardson and Rob..t
Couden, and also the Petition of Sarah Henry and others, Devisees
of Joseph Ogle, because the Subject matter therein Contained can
be settled without the Interposition of the Legislature
U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 11
A Bill by Mess.rs Grahame and Sullivane, Entitled, An Act Con-
tinuing An Act Entitled An Act for the amending the Staple of
Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in his Majestys Customs, and for
the Limitation of Officers Fees Endorsed.
Read the first and second in the Lower House and will Pass
Read the first and second time, by especial Order, in this House, and
will Pass So Endorsed and sent by John Ridout Esq..r
Read and referred the Petition of Thomas Dugan of Kent County
Sent by Henry Hooper Esq..r
A Bill by Mess.rs Allen and Wilson, Entitled, An Act to repeal
part of an Act for destroying Crows and Squirrels in particular
Counties, and Red Foxes in Kent and Queen Anns Counties, so far
as the same extends to Somerset, Dorchester and Worcester Coun-
ties. Endorsed
Read the first and second time in the Lower House and will Pass
Read the first and second time by especial Order in this House and
will Pass. Sent by Daniel Dulany Esq.r
Mess..rs Edmondson and Jacobs bring from the Lower House the
following Bills. Endorsed.
Read the first and second time in the Lower House and will Pass
A Bill Entituled, An Act Continuing An Act Entituled an Act for
the speedy recovery of small Debts out of Court before one Justice
of the Peace
A Bill, Entituled An Act continuing An Act Ent.d An Act to
remedy some Evils relating to Servants.
A Bill, Entitled An Act continuing An Act Entitled An Act for
the Gauge of Barrels for Pork, Beef, Pitch Tarr, Turpentine and
Tare of Barrels for Flour and Bread.
p. 326