Read, and referred the Petition of the Officers and Men of Cap.t
M..cClalans Company, and also the Petitions of Mayberry Helms
Jun, and William Askew Prisoners in Baltimore County Goal,
and of Daniel Barnett and John Schley in said County Sent by B:
Calvert Esq.r
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning Henry Holliday and Fielder Gant attend with M. Ed-
mondson a Member for Talbot County, and M.r Lee for Baltimore,
to see them Qualified, who take and Subscribe the Oath of Abjura-
tion, directed to be taken by the late Act of Parliament and then
Read and referred the following Petitions Viz..t William Homes
of Queen Anns County, Daniel Chamiers and Smith Sterrits of
Baltimore Town, and also the Petition of the Rector Vestry and
sundry Parishioners of Somerset Parish, in Somerset County Sent
by Benedict Calvert Esq..r
Read and rejected the Petition of William Harris of Calvert
County and also the Petition of the Corporation of the City of
Read and Rejected the Petition of Joseph Helms of Frederick
Adjourned until to Morrow Morning 10 of the Clock