Parran, Baker and Ware attend with M.r Thomas Key,
a Member Elected for S.t Marys County, to see him Qualified, who
takes the Oaths to the Government, appointed to be taken by Act
of Assembly, and also takes, and Subscribes the Test, and Oath of
Abjuration, directed to be taken by the late Act of Parliament, and
then withdraws, And also with Col.o Plater a Member for S.t Marys
County and M.r Ward for Cecil County, to see them Qualified, who
take and Subscribe the Oath of Abjuration directed to be taken by
the late Act of Parliament and then withdraw.
Read, and referred the Petitions of Alexander Beall and Ann
Gaither Sent by Richard Lee Esq.r
Read and referred the Petition of the Magistrates of Frederick
County, and also the Petition of the Vestry and Inhabitants of
Chester Parish in Kent County Sent by Daniel Dulany Esq..r
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as in the Morning
Benjamin Tasker Esq.r attended by the Members of this House,
present to His Excellency, their Address which follows in these
To His Excellency Horatio Sharpe Esq..r Governor and Commander
in Chief in and over the Province of Maryland.
The humble Address of the Upper House of Assembly
May it please your Excellency
We, his Majestys dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Upper House
of Assembly, beg your Excellency's Acceptance of our Thanks, for
your obliging Speech at the opening of this Session.
We have the pleasure to acknowledge, that the uniform Tenor of
your Excellencys whole Conduct hath amply evinced your Constant
desire, and Study to promote the Happiness of the People over
whom you preside, and your earnest Solicitude to merit the Regard
and good Opinion of the other Branches of the Legislature, together
with the Approbation of those from whom you derive your Authority,