[To be dis-
charged from
future ar-
rests on Ap-
And be it further Enacted That if the said Prisoners or any
of them Shall be arrested or Imprisoned or any Process sued out
on any Judgment or Decree Obtained against any of them for any
Debt Damages or Costs contracted owing or growing due before
the End of this Session of Assembly the Court out of Which such
Process Issued Shall and may discharge such Prisoner on motion
and if the said Prisoners or any of them Shall be arrested or Im-
prisoned on any Process for the recovery of any Debt Damages
or Costs contracted owing or growing due before the end of this
Session of Assembly the Court or Justice before whom Such
process Shall be returned, Shall and may discharge the party Ar-
rested out of Custody on his or her common Appearance being
entered without any Special Bail, Provided that the discharge of
the Said Prisoners or any of them shall not acquit any other Person
from such Debt Damage or Cost or any Part thereof but that all
such Persons Shall be Answerable for the same in such manner
as they were before the Passing this Act.
[Debts to
stand good
in Case]
Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
that notwithstanding the discharge of the said Prisoners or any
of them all and every Debt or Debts due and owing from him her
or them and all and every Judgment had or decree obtained against
him her or them Shall Stand and be good and effectual in Law to
all Intents and Purposes against the Lands Tenements and Heredi-
taments Goods and Chatties of him her or them and Which He
She or they or any other Person in Trust for the use of him her
or them had at the time of the discharge of the said Prisoners or
any of them or which He She or they at any time Hereafter Shall
or may be any way Seized or Possessed of or Interested into his
her or their own Use or in his her or their own proper Right either
in Law or equity (except the Wearing Apparel Bedding and Work-
ing Tools of him her or them not exceeding the Sum of Ten pounds
Current Money) and it Shall and may be Lawful for any of their
Creditors their Executors Administrators or Assigns to take out
new execution or Executions Without any serie facias previous
thereto against the Lands Tenements or other Hereditaments Goods
and Chatties of the said Prisoners or any of them (except as before