McMahon, Benja, 529.
McMaster, Alexander, 573.
Thomas, 573.
McMechan, Alexr., 541.
McMordie (McMurdie), James,
95, 169-
McNabb, James, 571.
Mcnamee, Barnabas, 550.
McNear, samuel, 544.
McNemara, Michael (Clerk of
the Lower House), xx,
xxvi, xliv, 10, 14, 15.
McNimara, Thos, 536.
McPherson, John, 287, 343.
Rev. John, Bill for the relief
of, xiii, liv, lxx, lxxi, lxxvii,
316, 318, 324, 357, 366-367,
383- 394, 401-402, 405, 406,
419, 420, 465-468 (text).
Macquan, William, 548.
McVeagh, Joseph, 536.
McWillims. Samuel, tf*.
Mackall, Benjamin (Calvert
County), xlii, 120, 191, 193.
Benjamin, of James John
(Calvert County) xlii, 325,
34 1, 383; on Comm. to in-
spect the public offices, 333;
sent by the Lower House,
284, 315, 3i8, 3T9, 333, 397,
405, 412; votes, 195, 198,
200, 207, 208, 210, 347, 352,
363, 368, 369, 372, 377, 379,
380, 383, 384, 387, 392, 418.
James John, 325.
Col. [John] (Lower House,
1715), 166.
Mackey, George, 543.
Samuel, 562.
Mackeys Plantation Warehouse,
Mackfall, Arthur, 297.
Maddin, James, 573.
Haddock, Benjn, 558.
Maddox, Cornelius, 296.
Thomas, 516.
Maddux, Bell, 515.
madeken, Mikell, 533.
Madery, Jacob, 534.
Sebastian, 541.
Mading, Morgan, 526.
Madux, William, 545.
Manchen, Georg Philipp, 557.
Magee, Peter, 6, 26, 68.
Thos., 569.
Magill, William, 574.
Mahony, Timothy, 533.
Mahorney, Henry, 575.
Maidmell, Alexander, 539.
Maile, Wilmer, 544.
Major, James, 579.
Malloonee, John, 526.
Manhaun, John, 565.
Manless, William Rackliff, 510.
Manley, Robt., 542.
William, 570.
Mannon, Samuel, 562.
Manor of Kent, xxx.
Manufactures, Public encour-
agement of, xxxi, 200, 213.
Marcer, John, Juner, 547.
Marnie[?], Wm., 526.
Marryman, William, 530.
Marsh, James, Junr., 539.
Mr. Thomas, lxxiv, 434.
Wm., 533.
Marsh Market, Baltimore, xc.
Marshal, Thomas, Jr., 529.
Marshall, Enos, 516.
John, 307, 389, 402, 508.
Robert, 533.
Stephen, 516.
Thomas, 536.
Marshell, Isaac, 516.
Thomas, 516.
Martin, Alexr., 565.
Geo., 508.
James, 579-
Nathaniel, 548.
Robert, 297.
bamuel, 540.
Samuel, Junior, 540.
Thomas, 506.
Zenas, 96, 150.
Marton, Andrew, 575.
James, 575.
Walter, 575-
Mary Lou, 510.
Marye, William B., xvii.
Maryland, Charter of, Exemp-
tion from English taxation
in, 407, 416.
Rights of Proprietary under,
Maryland Gazette, xli, lx, lxii,
lxvii, lxxxii, lxxxvi, xci,
xcii, xciv, 63, 218, 255, 289,
418, 518.
Marylanders, rights of, Lower
House resolutions on, 415-
417, 519.
Mash, John, Senr., 526.
John, Juner, 526, 545.
Jonas, 526.
Thos., 529.
Maskembel, David, 571.
Mason, Edward, 526.
Edward, Jr., 531.
Massachusetts Bay, House
of Representatives, Letter
from, xi-xii, xlvii, Iv, lix-
lxi, lxii, lxiii, lxxxvi, 352,
360, 309, 413, 518, 519.
Ma - - t, Willm, 557.
Matax, John, 547.
Match-coats, lxxix, 374.
Mathematicians, 361.
Mather, James, 577.
Mathews, James, 578.
Jno., 577.
Levin, 569.
Mathias, Joseph, 557.
Mattapony Hundred, Worcester
County, 512.
Matthews, Elijah, 517.
George, 6, 26, 68.
Oliver, 534.
Robert, 546.
Thos, 529.
Mattison, Aaron, 542.
Maxfield, Col. (Lower House,
1715), 166.
Maxwall, David, 572.
James, 573-
Thoa., 57.2.
Mayer, Philip, 561.
Hayes, James, 536, 541.
Mead, Benjamin, 548.
Mears, John, 5, 24, 68.
Mega, Robt, Jr., 577.
Megay, John, 577.
Meharge, John, 551.
Mehl, Hannes, 557.
Mehlheim, Christian, 561.
Mekem, William, 577.
Mellan, Murlen (Murten), 95,
Melone, John, 538.
Melvin, William, 509, 517.
Menagh, Charles, 569.
Mercier, Frances, 545.
L., Se, 545-
Woldon, 545.
Meridith, Samuel, 539.
Merrill, John, 516.
Joseph, 508.
Simpson, 516.
Thos., 516.
William, 516.
Merryman, Benjn., 537.
Elijah, 541.
George, 552.
Jno., 539.
John, Sr., 530.
John, Junr., 500, 536, 540, 541.
John, Junior, Commissioner
for the marsh, 254.
Joseph, 537.
Mycajah, 531.
Nicholas, 537.
Nichls., son Saml., 527.
Saml., 527, 537.
Saml., Junr., 544.
Messel, Jono. Adam, 565.
Messerschmidt, Samuel, 500.
Messersmith, Mathies, 542.
Samuel, 559.
Messick, John, 95, 247.
Metcalf, John, 297.
Meyer, Carlsen[?], 559.
Friedrich, 500.
Friedrich, der Junge, 559.
Isaac, 556.
Jacob, 385.
Meyers, George, 557.
Michal, John, Sener, 570.
Michel, Belser, 574.
Michell, John, 570.
Mieller, Adam, 556.
Miers, Jacob, 385.
Mifflin, Warner, 511.
Milandf?], Gilbet, 528.
Milbourn, Michael, 515.
Mildnesfs], Greenbury, 549.
Miles, Henry, 296, 362.
Peter, 573.