190; Comm. to enquire into
McPherson petition, lxxi,
357, 366-367; Comm. to en-
quire into Myar petition, 27,
29, 30-31; Comm. to en-
quire into Paris petition,
366, 398-399, 402; Comm.
to enquire into Proprietary's
receipt of fines and for-
feitures, xxi, xxviii, xxx,
21, 23, I4I-I42, 159-167,
195; Comm. to estimate
amount and defraying of
judges' salaries, 343, 344-
345, 347-348, 383; Comm. on
expiring laws, xxi, xxviii,
xlv, 22, 23, 48, 141, 142-143,
144, 333; Comm. to explain
rejection of Indian petition,
337-338; Comm. of griev-
ances and courts of justice,
xxi, xxviii, xlv, xlvii-xlviii,
20, 27, 27-28, 140, 330, 332,
401, 410-411; to send for
persons, papers and things,
351; Comm. to inspect the
Loan Office, xlv, e, 107, 115-
118; Comm. to inspect the
payment of the public
claims, xlv, ci, 284, 321-323,
332, 335, 343, 381; Comm.
to inspect the public offices
and records xxi, xxiv, xlv,
18, 22, 23, 25, 33-46, 61, 62,
140, 333, 344, 355-357, 403;
Comm. to pay the public
claims, 185-186; Comm. to
report on criminal laws,
369; Comm. to state facts
on Indian affairs, 333-334,
335-336; Comm. to tax fees
on petitions, 379; Comm. of
the Whole, 171, 172; debate
in, limitations on, 19; door-
keeper of, xx, xliv, 139, 328,
see also Howard, Cornelius;
hours of, xliv, 139, 332;
Journal of, transcribing of,
219, see also Ducket, John;
Message of, to the Upper
House, 9-10, 52-53, 105-106,
106, 107, 119, 124-125, 126-
127, 132-133, 174-175, 176,
191-192, 205-206, 284, 300-
307, 317, 3i8, 319, 332, 386,
403, 404, 405, 410; new busi-
ness in, limitation on, 27,
168, 174, 359, 382; Penal-
ties for absence from, 19,
329-330; Petition to His
majesty regarding certain
Acts of Parliament, 360-361,
406-409, 518; Process of
election to, 20; Resolutions
on the rights of Maryland-
ers, lxiii, 415-417; Rules of,
xxi, xliv, xcii-xciii, 19-20
(full text of), 139, 329-330
(full text), 416-418 (text);
Serjeant at arms of, xx,
xliv, 47, 139, 328, 385, see
also Saunders, Capt. Rob-
ert; sent after absent mem-
bers, 191; Speaker of, lxi,
17, 173, 195, 281, 326; to
have power of recognition,
19, 329; vote by, xxxv, 173,
207, 210, 384; see also
Lloyd, Robert; Massachu-
setts Bay, Letter from;
Swords, wearing of, for-
bidden in, 19, 329; Tied vote
in, 173, 207, 210, 384; Votes
and Proceedings, Ivi, 23, 59,
62, 143 512; Votes and Pro-
ceedings, printing of, by
Green, Act for 238-241
Lowman, Joseph, 105, 173, 247.
Lowry, Edward., 528.
Lucas, Barton, 392.
Benedick, 563.
Lucket, John, 206.
William (Frederick County),
326 342, 361, 390; sent by
the Lower House, 206, 302,
309, 311, 359, 377, 390, 39i;
votes, 352, 355, 362, 368, 371,
377, 379, 380, 383, 384, 387,
Ludwick, John, 540.
Liideritz, Frederick, 540.
Lusby, John, 575, 578.
Lux, Darby, 534.
William, 500, 535, 542, 552.
Lynch, Cornelious, 543.
John, 570, 572.
Joshua, 529.
Patrick, 542, 549.
William, 526, 546.
Lynn, William, 392.
Lyon, Jonathen, 573.
Richard, 579.
Wil., 500, 534.
Doct. William, 534.
Lyons, Robt., 573.
Lytle, George, 576.
James, 576.
McAllan, Arthur, Junr., 507,
Mcallister, Joseph, 526.
McBrid, John, 572.
McBride, henry, 578.
Thos., 575-
McCall, John, 572.
McCallak, Thos., 572.
McCallister, Richard, 561.
McCandlee, Jas., 579.
McCandles, George, 385.
McCandless, George, 543.
McCann, Edward, 95, 247.
McCardel, Patrick, 576.
McCarlin, Mary, 511.
McCaslin, Henry, 543.
McCermak, James, 578.
McCetter, Hezekiah, 297.
McChesney, Samuel, 572.
McCinsey, John, 562.
MacClain, Azariah, 545.
McClellan, David, 541.
John, 542.
(McClan, McLelan, McLil-
lan), Capt. William, 7, 32,
54, 96, 150.
McClentok, Mathew, 574, 577.
McCluer, David, 297.
M'Clure, John, 500.
Matthew, 579.
William, 579.
McCole, Phillip, 562.
MacCollister, Robert, 545.
McCollough, John, Sener, 572.
John, Junr., 572.
McComas, Aaron, 569.
Alexr., 577.
Alexr., Junr., 569.
Alexr., son John, 569.
MaComas, Aquila, 573.
McComas, Dan, 576.
Danl., 578.
Dan'1, 576.
John, 569, 576.
John, Son Danl. 578.
John, son o{ Wm., 569.
Solm., 578.
Wm., 569.
William, son of Dan, 576.
William, son John, 576.
McComus, Daniel, 550.
McConikee, John, 547.
McCoy, John, 95, 247.
McCracken, David, 569.
M'Cracken, James, 570.
McCrady, Sollaman, 516.
MCree, [JJames, 527.
Maccubbin, Joseph, 296.
Mr. Nicholas, lxxvii, 126, 203.
mackcullen, William, 545.
McCulloch, John, 579.
McCullum, Rev. Neill, lxx.
Mcdade, Daniel, 572.
McDade, John, 572.
McDaid, Danual, 571.
John, 571.
McDonal, Catharine, 296.
McDonell, Joseph, 560.
McDonnald, Cornelius, 544.
McDorman, Michael, 6, 26, 68.
Mackelfresh, David, 534.
McFadin, John, 579.
McGay, Juhn, 578.
McGonigal, John, 544.
Mclhamy[?], William, 569.
Mcllwain, John, 534.
Mackinley, Patrick, 534.
McKinnie, Matthew, 536.
McKnight, William, 576.
Mackubin, Moses, 546.
William, 500, 524.
Zachh., Ju., 536.
Zachr., 546.
McLane, Jno., 578.
McLaughlin, George, 536.
McLure, Alexr., 541.
David, 525, 539-
John, 541.