379, 38o, 383, 384, 387, 392,
Robert, xxvi.
Robert, Esqr., Counsel for
Darnall petition, 289.
Robert, III (Dorchester
County), 17, on Comm. of
Accounts, xxi, 18; votes,
24- 32, 33, 50, 57, 60.
Goldsmith, Thomas, 95, 247.
Gooden, George, 565.
Goodin, Thomas, 565.
Goodman, Richard, 536.
Goodwin, Walliam, 541.
Gor, Michel[?], 562.
Gordon, James, 572.
Gordy, - - - -, 508.
Peter, 507.
Gorffiss, John Stone, 549.
Gorlans, -----, 517.
Gormsell, John, 511.
Mary, 511.
Corner, Paul, 562.
Gornnell, Wornell, 545.
Gorrel, James, 381-382, 392.
Gorslin, Charles, 545.
Gorsuch, Benjamin, 532.
Charles, Sen., 535.
Charles (son Charles) 530.
Charles, the son of John, 533.
David, 500, 527, 529.
John, 533, 546.
John, Senr, 532.
John, son of John, 532.
Loveless, 563.
Stephen, 532.
Gosnell, Charles, 561.
John, 531.
Joseph, 564.
Morrice, 558.
gosnell, Fetter, 533.
Gosnell, William, 527, 560.
Zebediah, 537.
Gott, Anthony, 548.
Gott, Richard, 548.
Samuel, 548.
Gourlie, William, 529.
Govane, W., 548.
William, 548.
Gover, Kphriam, 580.
Philip, susquehannah, 540.
Governor, Address of, to the
Assembly, xix, 3, 16, 18, 91-
92, 136, 138, 281-283, 326-
327; allowance to, for seals
on proclamations, see Proc-
lamations; immediate reim-
bursement of, xxx, xlviii,
lxxxi, 318, 320-321, 323, 374,
405, 409, 410, 414, 415; see
also Nanticoke Indians.
Messages of, to the Lower
House, xxx, xliv, lx, 21-22,
145, 149, 169, 170, 172, 200,
206, 337, 339, 354, 358, 359,
372, 374, 381-382, 384, 389,
391-392, 399, 405, 419; to
the Upper House, xliv, 5,
94, 285, 287-295; proroga-
tion of Assembly by, 16, 65,
136, 221, 324, 420; veto of
act of assembly by, xiv-xv,
lxxii, 420; see also Relig-
ious worship, Act for the
establishment of.
Grafton, William, 570.
Graham, James, 551.
Richard, 551.
Grahame, Charles (Calvert
County), xxvi, xliii, 25, 29,
54, 55, 137, Hi, T44, iSi,
157, 181, 189, 197, 206, 284,
333, 341, 37i, 3/2, 385; on
Comm. to answer the Gov-
ernor's message, 206, 406;
on Comm. to consider
Provincial judges' salaries,
343; on Comm. to enquire
into Paris petition, 366, 398-
399; on Comm. to enquire
into Proprietary's receipt of
fines and forfeitures, 195;
on Comm. on expiring laws,
xxviii, 141, 142-143, 147-
148; on Comm. to inspect
the Loan Office, 107, 115,
1 18,. 177; on Comm. to in-
spect the payment of the
public claims, xlv, 284, 285,
321-323, 335; on Comm. to
inspect the public offices and
records, 25; motions by, 29,
157; sent by the Lower
House, 7, 9, 10, 32, 52, 55,
97, too, 1 19, 120, 125, 132,
152, 158, 192, 193, 202, 213,
215, 219, 299, 309, 311, 312,
320, 365, 368, 390, 394, 395,
406, 415; votes, 30, 32, 33,
50, 55, 60, 151, 154, 155,
168, 173, 178, 179, 195,
198, 201, 207, 208, 210, 347,
352, 355, 362, 368, 369, 371,
387, 392, 418.
Grain, see Baltimore Town.
Crammer, Christofel, 562.
Grant, Hew, 543.
Grasmick, Caspar, 500, 542.
graves, John, 547.
Graves, Robert, 547.
graves, thomas, 547.
Graves, Wm., 547, 563.
Gray, Epham, 526.
John, 573.
Zachariah, 531.
Grayburn, Jas., 529.
Great Britain, Crown of, loyalty
of Lower House to, 141,
145, 406, 413; revenues of,
House of Commons, xxx-
xxxi, 172.
King in Council, Appeal to,
Act to forward, 299-300,
362, 368; see also Proprie-
tary, Appeal between, and
people; to decide dispute
between houses of the As-
sembly, x, xxviii, lxiv, lxv,
lxvii, 108, no, 113, 130, 182,
216, 269, 270, 271.
King of, Address to, xxix,
176-177, 206; Petition of
Lower House to, xlvii, lxi,
360-361, 406-409, 413.
Lords of Trade and Planta-
tion, xxxi, xlvi, 102, 200.
Parliament of, Impossibility
of Maryland representation
in, 408, 416, 519; Denial of
right of, to tax Colonies,
lxv, 182, 189, 408, 415, 519.
Great Falls of the Potomac,
Greathous, John, 563.
Greathouse, Harmon, 528.
Green, Abraham, 537.
Anne Catharine, lxxxv, 287,
323, 343, 365; Act for the
encouragement of, li, lxxxv-
lxxxvi, 310, 314, 365, 387,
394, 395, 455-458 (text).
Benj, 578.
George, 296, 538.
George, Junr., 528.
Henry, 525, 571,
Ignatius, 95, 247.
Isaac, 538, 549.
John, 530, 544, 575, 576.
John (Son Robt), 530.
Jonas, Public Printer, xxiv,
lxxxiv, cvii, 23, 64, 131, 211,
213, 512; Act for the en-
couragement of, xxxiv,
lxxxv, 118, 119, 135, 145;
allowance to, in case of no
session, 239; allowance to,
for printing acts of parlia-
ment, lxiv, IO2, 108, 182.
Josias, 538.
Leonard, 571.
Moses, 546.
Richd., 544.
Robert, 539.
Shadwell, 538.
Solomon, 539.
Tho., 547-
I horns., 526.
William, son of Jonas, lxxxv.
Greenfield, Mecajah, 569.
Greenwood, Thomas, 525.
William, 297.
Greer, George, 297.
Jacob, 535.
Mose, 549.
greere, Moses, Jun, 549.
Gresham, Richard (Kent
County), lxii, 325, 339, 341,
347, 352, 370, 372, 375;
votes, 354, 363, 368, 369,
377, 379, 380, 383, 388, 392,
Grey, -----, 526.
Griest, Isaac, 525.
Griffeth, Samuel, 578.
Griffin, Thomas, 546.
William, 525.