Freeholder, Qualifications of, Hi,
Freeman, Richard, 7, 8, 10, 47,
50, 52, 68, 296.
Freight, Robert, 546.
French, Otho, 544.
-----, Friedrich, 557, 559.
Frish, Froutz, 562.
frizel, John, 551.
Frizell, Jacob, 537.
John, 537.
Frizzell, Charles, 529.
Frosch, Sebastian, 560.
Fryfogle, Christopher, 557.
Fulford, see Tulford.
Fulton, David, 542.
Furniture, 118.
Gad, William, 544.
Gaddes, James, 542.
Gaddis, P., 577-
Wm., 534.
Gaines, Risen, 527.
Gaither, Ann, Mrs. Samuel,
Petition for reimbursement,
xi, Ivi, 93, "9, 145, 184,
189-190, 191-192.
Cassandra, 190.
Samuel, Ivi, 119, 189.
Gale, Levin (Somerset County),
206, 341, 359, 397; sent by
the Lower House, 300, 307,
37o, 387; votes, 362, 368,
369, 37i, 377, 379, 38o, 383,
384, 387-
Galkmann[?], Rudolf, 500.
Gallion, Jacob, 569.
James, Senr., 578.
James, Jun, 569.
Jno, 577-
Nathan, 568.
Samuel, 578.
William, 569.
Gallman, Hans Rudie, 536.
Galloway, Aquila, 539.
Joseph, Sheriff, Anne Arundel
County, 28, 47, 49.
Moses, 385, 548, 549.
Thomas, 538.
W., 548.
Ganss, Jacob, 564.
Jorg, 564.
Michal, 564.
Gantt, Edward (Calvert
County), 17, 21, 25, 55, 137,
284, 333, 340, 341, 351, 353,
370, 372, 373; on Comm. of
grievances and courts of
justice, 20, 140; sent by the
Lower House, 120, 193, 284,
303, 318, 334, 371, 378;
votes, 30, 32, 33, 50, 55, 60,
151, 154, 155, 168, 173, 178,
!79, 195, 198, 200, 207, 208,
210, 347, 362, 368, 369, 377,
379, 380, 383, 384, 387, 392,
Fielder (Frederick County),
18, 27, 29, 50, 137, 157, 194,
195; on Comm. to enquire
into Myar petition, 27, 30-
31; sent by the Lower
House, 9, 14, 53, 6o, 62, 92,
96, 101, 102, 103, 121, 123,
140, 149, 168, 197, 198;
votes, 24, 30, 32, 33, So, 55,
57, 6o, 151, 154, 155, 168,
169, 173, 178, 179, 195, 198,
Gantz, Adam, 560.
Gardner, J., 528.
John, 578.
Gardner [?], John, 526.
Gardner, William, 533.
Garison, Job., 500.
Garken, Henry, 563.
Garland, Francis, 569.
Henry, 569.
Garrett, Isaac, 576.
John, 576.
Garrettson, Edwd., 574.
Garrett, 569.
John, 568.
Richd, 569.
garrison, Job, 537.
Garson, John, 576.
Garth, Charles, xxviii, xxix,
xlviii, Iv, Iviii-lix, lxi, lxvii,
63, 64, 139, 189, 203, 216,
218, 347, 403, 409, 519.
Gash. Jno Cornelius, 528.
Nicholas, 538.
Thos., 574.
Gassaway, Henry, 385.
Thomas, South River, A
manager of the lottery, lxvii,
Gatch, Conduces, 526.
Frederick, 547.
Gay, Nicholas Ruxton, 499, 537.
Ge - - ier, Stoffel, 557.
Gelwicks, Carl, 561.
Johann Georg, 561.
Gent, Thomas, 528.
Gentle, George, 536.
Geoghegan, A., 545.
George Town, Kent County, 302,
3o8, 309, 352, 374, 377, 388,
301, see also Swine and
George Town Warehouse, Kent
County, 246.
Gerhard, Mike, 544.
Ghiselin, Reverdy, Clerk of the
Provincial Court, 87, 277,
328, 332, 349, 400, 401.
Gibb, Andrew, 506.
Gibbens, Joseph, 577.
Gibbins, John, 507.
Gibbs, Abraham, 506, 510, 515.
Gibson, Francis, 573.
Woolman (Talbot County),
95, 147, 184, 186; sent by
the Lower House, 179, 180;
votes, 151, 154, 155, 168, 169,
173, 178, 179.
Gilbert, Charles, 577.
Mich:, 577.
Parker, 577.
Gilburd, Jacob, 545.
Giles, Jacob, 577.
John, 573.
Gill, Edwd., 526.
John, 526, 558.
John, Junr., 558.
Stephen, 560.
Stephen, son of John, 558.
William, 560.
Gilliss, John, 535.
Gillmore, Wm., 576.
Gilmore, John, 296.
Gilpin, Francis Green, 575.
Ginkings, William, 564.
Gis [Git], Jakob, 560.
Gist, Joseph, 537.
Joshua, 535.
Thos., 531, 560.
Thos., Junior, 525.
William, 533.
Git, see Gis.
Gittings, Hazel, 385.
James, 543, 544.
Gladman, John, 545.
Michael, Ser., 533.
Michael, Jur., 533.
Thomas, 525.
Gladston, Obadiah, 511.
Glan[ ?], John, 579.
Glebe, 367.
Goal (jail) fever, xciii, xciv,
262, 264, 411.
Goble, Frederick, Sr, 558.
"God's Graces" (Mackall land,
Calvert County), xlii.
Goble, Frederick, Jr, 558.
Goddard, Wm, 540.
Godderd's Chapel, lxxv, 436,
437; see also Stepney Par-
Godert, John, 528.
Godlove, Christopher, 297.
Gold and silver, Substitution of,
for tobacco, 229, 240.
Goldsborough, Charles, Esqr.
(U. H.), xxvi, xli, 4, 99,
John (Talbot County), xhii,
17, 29, 283, 327, 328, 341,
346; on Comm. of accounts,
xxi, xlv, lxiv, 18, 55, 332,
402; on Comm. of elections
and privileges, 332; on
Comm. to enquire into
Bromwell petitions, 349; on
Comm. on expiring laws,
xxi, 22, 48, 333; on Comm.
to inspect the public offices,
333; motions by, 22, 26;
sent by the Lower House, 3,
10, ii, 18, 48, 53, 55, 64,
299, 3io, 318, 350, 365, 371,
390, 404, 405; votes, 24, 30,
32, 33, 50, 57, 60, 348, 352,
354, 362, 368, 369, 371, 377,