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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 457   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 457

ply with the Terms of this Act on her Part the Payment of the sums
of Money hereinbefore directed to be paid to her shall cease Any
Thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding

Liber H. S.

No. 1

And be it likewise Enacted that the Copy of the Publick Laws
made this present Session of Assembly as well as those made at any
future Session during the Continuance of this Act shall have Mar-
ginal Notes made and printed thereto as also the Date of the Year
wherein such Laws were respectively made inserted in each page
and a List of such Laws made at the End of each Session with the
Page wherein they are printed All which the said Anne Catharine
Green is hereby required and obliged to do as well as all other Ser-
vices herein before mentioned for the Yearly Salary aforesaid

[The Laws
to have
Notes, &c.]

Provided always That it shall and may be lawful for the Sheriffs
of the several and respective Counties respectively and they are hereby
required not to pay to the said Anne Catharine Green the said respec-
tive sums of Money herein before mentioned or any Part thereof to
be assessed and levied for her use for her Salary for this present or
any future Year during the Continuance of this Act unless it shall be
made appear to them by a Certificate or Receipt from the Sheriff of
Ann Arundel County for the Time being that the Publick Laws and
the Votes and Proceedings of this Session and every future Session
or Convention during the Continuance of this Act were printed and
delivered to him within the respective Times herein before directed
Any Thing herein before contained to the contrary in any wise not-

[Proviso, in
Case of her
Failure of

And be it further Enacted That the several and respective Sheriffs
within this Province shall and they are hereby directed and required
to receive and forward the said Laws with the Notes and Proceed-
ings aforesaid to the Clerks of the several County Courts and Mem-
bers of each House of Assembly as publick Letters are by the
Laws of this Province directed to be forwarded and under the like
Penalty to be recovered and applied in like manner

[Laws and
Votes to be
forwarded as

And be it further Enacted That from and after the first Day of
November next Anne Catherine Green of the City of Annapolis
Printer shall be allowed by the several and respective County Courts
at their laying the County Levy the sum of three hundred and twenty
Pounds of Tobacco per Annum for each Inspection respectively for
printing and delivering a Sufficient Number of Books Notes and
Manifests for the Inspectors of each Inspection within their Counties

respectively to be levied and paid as aforesaid

[320 lb.
for each
for supplying
Books and

And Whereas the Act of Assembly Entitled An Act for the speedy
and effectual Publication of the Laws of this Province and for the
Encouragement of Jonas Green of the City of Annapolis Printer
made at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of An-
napolis on the first Day of November in the Year of our Lord one

of a former
Act, by the
Death of
J. Green]

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 457   View pdf image (33K)
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