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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 451   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 451

confirmed then the said Owner or Possessor of such Staves Heading
or Shingles shall pay the Cost of such Review for which Review

Liber H. S.
No. 1

each of the said Reviewers shall have and receive the sum of eight
pence Current Money for every Thousand of the said Staves Head-
ing or Shingles

[Their fee
by whom

And be it further Enacted That it shall not be lawful for any
Person or Persons whatsoever to export the said Staves Heading
or Shingles so adjudged and determined unsound or not fit for
Exportation out of this Province or any Staves Heading or Shingles
not counted culled and garbled as aforesaid from any Landing on
the North Side of Patapsco River or out of the North West Branch
of the said River of Patapsco on Pain of Forfeiture of ten shillings
Current Money for each and every Thousand so Shipped and ex-

[Lumber de-
termined un-
sound, not to
be exported,
nor from any
Landing on
the North-
Side of
under a

Provided always and be it enacted that nothing herein contained
shall debar any Cooper or Carpenter from Purchasing a sufficient
Quantity of Staves Heading or Shingles to make up into Casks or
be used in Building in the Way of his or their Business so always that
he shall not buy any of the Cullings which he may have before
adjudged to be unmerchantable

[Coopers and
not debarr'd
from buying
under a

And be it further Enacted That the said Inspector of Staves and
Lumber shall and he is hereby required on his Appointment and
before his executing the said Office to make Oath or Affirmation if a
Quaker before a Justice of the Peace That he will without Fear
Affection Malice Partiality or Respect of Persons diligently and
carefully view examine inspect cull garble and count all Staves Head-
ing and Shingles brought to and offered for Sale within the North
West Branch of Patapsco River and which he shall be called upon
to view examine inspect cull garble and count to the best of his
Skill and Knowledge and according to the Directions of this Act
and that he will not wittingly or willingly charge ask take receive
exact or demand any other or larger Fees or Rates for doing his
Duty in his said Office of Inspector or Culler Garbler and Counter
of Staves Heading and Shingles than is mentioned and directed by
this Act

p. 697

[Oath to be
taken by an
Inspector of
Staves &c.]

And Whereas it is represented That Advantages are taken by the
Sellers of Wood in short measuring and cording the same to the
great Prejudice of the Inhabitants of the said Town
Be it therefore Enacted That from and after the first Day of
August next all Fire Wood brought to and offered for Sale in the
said Town whether by Land or Water shall be set up corded and mea-
sured by some Wood Cor der for that Purpose as aforesaid appointed
and that each and every cord of Wood shall be eight Feet in Length
four Feet in Breadth four Feet in Height and well stowed and
packed and that the said Wood Corder for his Trouble in cording and
packing the same shall have and receive the sum of four Pence

[After the
1st Day of
August All
Fire Wood
to be corded;
for which
4 d. per cord
to be paid]

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 451   View pdf image (33K)
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