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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 450   View pdf image (33K)
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450 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 22, 1768.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

said Office to make Oath or Affirmation if a Quaker before a Justice
of the Peace that they and each of them when required will well
and truly according to the best of his or their Skill and Knowledge
measure all Grain Salt and Flax seed and Weigh all Hay without any

p. 696

Fear Favour Affection Malice or Partiality whatever to the Buyer or
Seller and that they and each of them will not wittingly or willingly
charge ask take receive exact or demand any other or larger Fees or
Rates for doing his or their Duty in his or their Office than is men-
tioned and directed by this Act

[From the
1st of Sep-
tember, all
and Shin-
gles, to be

And Whereas the preventing Frauds and Abuses in culling and
counting Staves Heading and Shingles large Quantities of which
are exported will tend to advance the Credit of the same at foreign
Markets and promote the Trade and Commerce of the said Town of

Be it therefore Enacted that from and after the first Day of Sep-
tember next all Staves Heading and Shingles brought to and Offered
for Sale within the said North West Branch of Patapsco shall be
submitted to the Examination of the Officer so as aforesaid to be ap-
pointed for that Purpose and if the said Officer shall find the same
sound and fit for Exportation he shall count cull and garble the
same in a just and impartial Manner between the Buyer and Seller
for which Trouble he the said Officer shall receive and have as
follows to wit for every customary thousand of Pipe Staves two
shillings Current Money for every customary thousand of Hogshead

fees per
and by whom

Staves or Hogshead Heading one shilling and six pence Current
Money and for every customary thousand of Barrel Staves one
shilling Current Money and for every thousand of Shingles six
pence Current Money the one half thereof to be paid by the Buyer
the other half by the Seller.

[In case of
Dispute, 3
Persons, to
be chosen,
and Lumber
to be viewed
and ex-
amined by
them, on
Oath, and
their De-
to be final.]

Provided always and be it further enacted That where at any
Time hereafter any Disputes shall arise between the Officer and the
Owner or Possessor of any the Staves Heading or Shingles herein
before mentioned concerning the same upon application made by
the Owner or possessor thereof to any one Magistrate of Baltimore
County he shall issue his Warrant to three indifferent judicious Per-
sons of Skill and Integrity directing them to view and examine the
said Staves Heading or Shingles which said three Persons so as afore-
said appointed shall take the same Oath or Affirmation if a Quaker
as by this Act is herein after directed to be taken by the said In-
spector or Culler Garbler and Counter of Staves Heading and
Shingles and shall carefully view inspect examine cull garble and
count the same and if they or any two of them on such Review
shall find pass and declare the same to be sound merchantable and fit
for Exportation then the same Staves Heading or Shingles shall be
passed and allowed and the Officer shall pay the Cost of the said
Review but if on such Review the Judgment of the said Officer is

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 450   View pdf image (33K)
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