Ordered that Mr Ringgold, and M.r Paca, do acquaint his ex-
cellency that no more business lies before this house
The governor communicates to M.r Speaker the following message:
Gentlemen of the lower house of assembly,
I am extremely sorry to find, by your address just now presented
to me, that what I recommended to you, by his Majesty's express
command, hath not had more weight and influence in your house.
Had you not instantly, on presenting your address, informed me, by
a message, that no more business is before you, I should have been
obliged, in obedience to his Majesty's commands, immediately to put
an end to this session, in order to prevent any proceedings of your
house, in consequence of the sentiments declared in your address.
Hor.o Sharpe
John Ridout and Walter Dulany Esquires from the upper house,
acquaint M.r Speaker, the governor requires the attendance of the
lower house, immediately, in the upper house
M.r Speaker left the chair, and (with the other members of the
lower house) went to the upper house, and there presented to the
governor, the following ingross'd bills Viz.t
A supplementary act to the act to enable the visitors of Kent
county school, for the time being, to lease out part of the land be-
longing to the said school
An act for turning part of a street called East street in the city of
Annapolis, and for confirming the title of Thomas Jennings Esq
of the said city, to a lot of ground therein
An act to give Thomas Harrison further time to effect the removal
of a nusance, in Baltimore town, in Baltimore county
An act to impower Mary Philpot, widow and administratrix of
Bryan Philpot, late of Baltimore town, in Baltimore county, mer-
chant, deceased, to sell the real estate of her said husband, for the
payment of the debts of the said Bryan Philpot
An act for the building of a parish church, and chapel of ease, in
Saint John's parish, in Queen Ann's County
An act for the relief of the reverend John Macpherson of Charles
An act for the relief of certain languishing prisoners in the several
jails therein mentioned.
An act for licensing ordinary keepers, hawkers, pedlars, and petty-
An act for amending and declaring the law in the cases therein
An act for the relief of the poor within the several counties therein
mentioned. And,
L. H. J.
Liber No. 32
June 22