L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
June 22
or their privity or consent, before his, or their election, directly or
indirectly give, present, or allow to any person having a voice or vote
in such election, any money, meat, drink, entertainment, or provision,
or make any present, gift, reward, or entertainment, or any promise,
agreement, obligation, or engagement, to give or allow any money,
meat, drink, provision, present, reward, or entertainment, whatso-
ever, in order to be elected, or for being elected, will declare the
election of such person void
The question was put whether the following resolve, viz.t Also
resolved, that if any person whatsoever, shall hereafter, after the test
or issuing of the writ of election, or after the place of any member
becomes vacant, directly or indirectly, on the behalf of, or with the
privity or consent of any person, or persons, hereafter to be elected
to serve in assembly, give, present or allow, to any person having a
voice or vote, any money, meat, drink, entertainment or provision, or
shall make any present, gift, reward, or provision, or make any
promise, agreement, obligation, or engagement, to give, or allow,
any money, meat, drink, provision, present reward, or entertain-
ment whatsoever, in order to procure the election, or for the election
of any person, or persons, hereafter to be elected to serve in as-
sembly; such person shall be deemed guilty of bribery, and of a
breach of the privileges of this house, and this house will punish the
same accordingly; be agreed to ? Resolved in the affirmative