U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 18
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Speedy and effectual Publication
of the Laws of this Province, and for the Encouragement of Ann
Catharine Green, of the City of Annapolis, Printer.
A Bill Entitled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entitled An Act
to establish a Road from Hunting Creek, in Dorchester, to Dover
in Talbot County.
These Bills Read and assented to, by this House, and Ordered to
be so Subscribed, the Paper Bills, so Endorsed, are sent by John
Beale Bordley Esq,,r
Read and referred the Petitions of William Ford and John Ken-
Read the second time in this House the Bill Entitled an Act to
prevent the Evils arising from the Manumission of Slaves, and will
Pass with the following Amendments, Sent by Benedict Calvert
Leave out the first and second Proviso in the second Page, and
the Word "and" before the third Proviso and the word "also" after
the Word "Provided." Leave out the enacting Clause beginning at
the third line from the bottom of the said Page Add after the third
line in the last Page "Provided always that any Slave Committed
as aforesaid shall on the Application of the Owner or Owners of
such Slave or his or her Overseer or other Person appointed by
him or her, be delivered by the Goaler to the said Owner or Owners
or his or her Overseer or other Person appointed by him, or her, on
Affidavit being made before some Justice of the Peace, and lodged
with the said Goaler that such Slave did not depart and remain
p. 398
at large by and with the Consent and Permission of such Owner or
Owners and also that before any Slave be sold in any Instance that
the Owner or Owners of such Slave be Summoned to be and appear
at the Court in which such Sale shall be made in Order that the
Owner or Owners may shew Cause why such Slave should not be
Sold and in any Case wherein it shall appear to the Justices on
Examination of the Owner or Owners or otherwise that any Slave
did not depart as aforesaid or remain at large by or with the Con-
sent or Permission of the Owner or Owners of such Slave, then
such Slave shall be delivered to the said Owner or Owners or his
her or their Overseer or other Person appointed by him her or them"
In place of the words "to be applied as herein before is directed''
insert the following Words Viz.t "to be paid to the Visitors of the
free School of that County for the Use of the said School"
This Act to continue for and during the Term of three Years
and until the End of the next Session of Assembly which shall
happen after the Expiration of the said three Years.
Mess,,rs Wilson and Grahame bring up a Bill, Entitled An Act