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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 311

Words Viz,,t "or as of any preceding Court according to the Agree-
ment of the Parties and Terms of such Submission." In the
line in the same Page leave out the Words "in the first Week of
their Sitting" and in their stead insert the following Words Viz,,t
"within seven Days after such Award shall be produced in Court to
the said Justices" In the 14th line of the same Page after the Word
"in" Insert the following Words Viz.t "or by Surprise Imposition or
Deception of" and after the Word "Arbitrators" in the said Line
insert the following Words Viz,,t "or without due Notice to the
Parties or their Attorney or Attornies." Leave out in the Fifth,
what follows after the Word "Notwithstanding" in the said Page
Leave out in the 2d line of last enacting Clause, the words "and
Execution thereupon had" and after the Word "Confession" in the line leave out what follows to the End, and add the following
Proviso Viz,,t "Provided always that nothing in this Act contained
shall extend or be Construed to extend to Establish or in any manner
affect any Judgment that hath been Entered on which any Writ of
Error or Appeal hath been prosecuted or is now depending but that
such Judgment shall be Considered in all respects as if this Act had
not been made or be Construed to affect any Person or Persons that
hath or have purchased any Lands Tenements, or Hereditaments

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
June 18

bonafide and on good and Valuable Consideration but that such
Purchaser or Purchasers shall be and remain in the same State
Right and Condition as if this Act had not passed" And also the
following Clause "This Act to continue for and during the Space
of three Years and to the End of the next Session of Assembly which
shall happen after the Expiration of the said three Years" Hayward and Luckett bring up the following Engrossed
Bills, Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly.
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance
of Frederick County Court.

A Bill Entitiled An Act confirming to Spedding Bromwell, of
Talbot County, certain Lotts of Land therein mentioned. These two
Bills Read and assented to by this House and Ordered to be so Sub-
scribed, the Paper Bills, so Endorsed, sent by John Beale Bordley

Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon

Eodem Die Post Meridiem.
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning Graham and Hall bring up the following Engrossed Bills,
Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly

p. 397

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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