bonafide and on good and Valuable Consideration but that such
Purchaser or Purchasers shall be and remain in the same State
Right and Condition as if this Act had not passed" And also the
following Clause "This Act to continue for and during the Space
of three Years and to the End of the next Session of Assembly which
shall happen after the Expiration of the said three Years" Hayward and Luckett bring up the following Engrossed
Bills, Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly.
A Bill Entitled An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance
of Frederick County Court.
A Bill Entitiled An Act confirming to Spedding Bromwell, of
Talbot County, certain Lotts of Land therein mentioned. These two
Bills Read and assented to by this House and Ordered to be so Sub-
scribed, the Paper Bills, so Endorsed, sent by John Beale Bordley
Adjourned until 3 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die Post Meridiem.
This House met again according to Adjournment.
Present as in the Morning Graham and Hall bring up the following Engrossed Bills,
Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly