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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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260 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.

No. 1

divisions and Precincts as shall be Specified and Assigned in their
respective Warrants for the year then next ensuing such appointment
and on any of their Death Negligent Conduct or Misbehaviour others
in their places to name and appoint for the residue of the Year then
to come which said Overseers to be nominated and Appointed as
aforesaid shall clear mark amend and keep in repair the said Public
roads within their respective Precincts and shall make amend and
keep in repair all such Bridges and Causeys as are usually made
and repaired by Overseers of Highways and for that purpose the
said Overseers so to be appointed shall be and are hereby impowered

from time to lime to hire and imploy a Sufficient Number of

Labourers and others at and upon reasonable Wages to work on the
said public Roads and cut and use such Wood and timber and for
such and the like purposes as Overseers of Highways by the Laws
now in being may or might cut and use the same

Warrants to
be delivered
in Ten Days]

And be it Further Enacted that the said Warrants shall be made
out by the Clerk and delivered to the Sheriff of the said County
within Ten days after the said Warrants shall be ordered by the said
Court and shall be delivered by the said Sheriff to the persons to
whom the same are directed within Ten days after the said Sheriffs
receit thereof under the penalty of Five pounds for each Warrant not
made out and Delivered as aforesaid by the Clerk and the like sum
for each Warrant received and not delivered as aforesaid by the said
Sheriff to be recovered against the Officer not performing his said
duty in the said County Court by Action of Debt Bill of Indictment
Plaint or Information wherein not more than one Imparlance shall
be allowed

[Penalty on
their Duty]

And be it Further Enacted that the Overseer of any of the said
Precincts where the Public Roads therein shall not be well and Suffi-
ciently cleared and Stubbed of the breadth Prescribed by the Act of
Assembly in such case made and Provided or shall not be well and
Sufficiently mended within a reasonable time or the Overseer of any
of the said Precincts who shall thereafter suffer any of the public

p. 654

Roads Causeways or Bridges therein to be out of repair or that
shall for the Space of five days permit or suffer any fallen tree or
Limb to lie across or in any of the said public roads therein such
Overseer having accepted of such Office shall forfeit and pay Five
pounds to be recovered as aforesaid

[The Tread
of Carriages
us'd for
Iron, to be 5

And be it Further Enacted that from and after the first day of
November next no Cart Waggon or other Carriage of Burthen be-
longing to any Iron Work shall go or pass loaded with Iron Ore on
any of the said public Roads or on any of the said Public Roads within
five Miles of the Iron Work to which the same belongs with Iron
Pigg metal except in its outset on or return from a Journey of a
greater distance unless the Tread of the Fellows of the Wheels of
such Carriage be five Inches Broad at the least

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 260   View pdf image (33K)
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