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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 254   View pdf image (33K)
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254 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

and Brian Phillpot of Baltimore County the present Possessors and
Owners of the said Marsh shall and may have Liberty to remove
the said Nusance at their own proper Expence

tors to a
Marsh in
Town, to
make it into
firm Ground]

Provided they comply with the directions and requisites in this
Act hereafter mentioned (that is to say) That the said Thomas
Harrison, Alexander Lawson and Brian Philpot within the space
of One Month next after the end of this present Session of Assembly
shall respectively make their Election and Determination whether
they will undertake effectually to remove the aforesaid Nusance at
their own proper Expence and charges And in case the said Thomas

p. 647

Harrison, Alexander Lawson and Brian Philpot shall within the
time aforesaid limitted elect and determine to remove the said
Nusance at their own proper expence and charges then the said
Thomas Harrison Alexander Lawson and Brian Philpot shall within
the said time enter into and execute seperate Bonds with two sufficient
Securities to be approved of by Robert Alexander John Smith Wil-
liam Smith Jonathan Plowman William Speer Andrew Stygar
Charles Ridgely Junior John Merryman Junior and Benjamin
Griffith or the Major part of them who shall be and are hereby ap-
pointed Commisisoners to execute the powers and directions herein
after Limitted and expressed in the Penalty of Twenty Pounds
Sterling for every Acre of Marsh to be made firm Ground by each
of them as herein after directed payable unto The Right the Lord
Proprietary with the following Condition

Whereas the said is Seized and Possessed of
Acres of Marshey Ground Adjoining to Baltimore Town
which in its present Situation is a great Nusance to the Inhabitants
of the said Town

[Bond to be
enter'd into
for Per-

Now the Condition of the above Obligation is such that if the
said shall within Two Years from the date
hereof well and Sufficiently remove the said Nusance by Wharfing
in all such Marshey Ground next the Water with a good and Suffi-
cient Stone Wall not less than two feet thick and two feet high at
the least from the Level of the height of the common Flood Tides
or with hewed Logs of the same height at least from the Level of
the common Flood Tides and shall make the same sufficiently firm
and compleat to prevent any sand Gravel or Dirt from washing
through the same into the Water and shall also well and Sufficiently
cover all such Marshey Ground with stones Gravel sand or dirt so
as to raise the same not less than two feet above the level of the
Common flood tides as aforesaid and make and render the whole
Sufficiently firm then the above Obligation to be Void else to be
and remain in full force and virtue in Law

[Else to be
laid out into
Lots, and

And be it further Enacted that the Commissioners aforesaid or
the Major part of them shall and may at some convenient time before
the last day of February next cause all the said Marshy Ground

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 254   View pdf image (33K)
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