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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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246 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.
No. 1
[If he re-
fuses to
another to be

And be it Further Enacted that in case the Inspector already
nominated and recommended by the Vestrie shall refuse to serve as
Inspector at the above mentioned Warehouse it shall and may be
Lawfull for the person so refusing to Signify the same under his
hand to the Vestry of the said parish where the refusal shall be or
any two of the Vestrymen within Ten days after the end of this
Session of Assembly who shall within ten days after such Notice
given them proceed to chuse other Inspectors to serve at the said
Warehouse in manner and form as is directed by the aforesaid
recited Act in the place and stead of such person so refusing as

[Penalty for
away from
any Ware-
house, after
it has been
refus'd by the

And Whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly
that it has been the practice of some planters after their Tobacco
has been carried to the Warehouses to be Inspected and the In-
spectors have examined and refused to pass the same to carry such
their Tobacco away from the said Warehouses either Secretly or
by force to some other Warehouses to get it passed and no penalty is
by Law imposed on such Offenders

Be it therefore Enacted that if any person or persons shall bring
any Hogshead or Number of Hogsheads of Tobacco to any of the
Warehouses appointed by Law to receive the same and shall offer
them or any of them to the Inspector to be by him received and
Inspected and the said Inspector shall refuse to pass them or any
of them and the Owner or Owners of the said Tobacco or some
other person or persons by his her or their Privity or Procurement
shall either secretly or openly carry the said Tobacco or any part
thereof away from the said Warehouse before the same has been
viewed and passed According to Law the said Owner or Owners
shall forfeit and pay the Quantity of Sixteen hundred pounds of

p. 639

Tobacco for every Hogshead of Tobacco so carried away to be
recovered and applied as by the Act Entituled an Act for amending
the Staple of Tobacco for preventing frauds in his Majestys Customs
and for the Limitation of Officers fees is directed

and George-
Town Ware-
houses made
Two In-

And Whereas by the said recited Act the Ware houses at Fred-
erick Town in Cecil County and at George Town in Kent County
were put under one Inspection by Two Inspectors one out of each
Parish in which the houses respectively stand and as much more
Tobacco is brought to one than the other it is found desirable to
put the said Ware houses under separate Inspectors with only one
Inspector at each House

Be it therefore Enacted that upon the next election of Inspectors
for the said Two Warehouses the Vestry of Saint Stephens Parish
in Cecil County shall return Two Inspectors one of which only shall
serve at Frederick Town Warehouse Singly and the Vestry of
Shrewsbury parish shall return two Inspectors for George Town
Ware house one of which only shall serve at the said house singly

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 246   View pdf image (33K)
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