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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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244 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

Liber H. S.
No. 1

at the fork of Gunpowder in Baltimore County is not necessary or
useful to the People

[Four Ware-
houses Sup-

Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary by and with the Advice and consent of his Lordships
Governor and the upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same That the Warehouses aforesaid at John
Hollands at Bohemia Ferry in Cecil County at Annapolis and
Sprigg's point in Ann Arundel County and at the fork of Gun-
powder in Baltimore County shall be and they are hereby Sup-
pressed to all Intents and purposes and that the Inspector or In-
spectors if any appointed to Attend the said Warehouses respec-
tively are discharged from his or their Attendance thereon to every
purpose but to deliver out such Tobacco as may now be in the said
Warehouses or either of them but that the Inspectors at pig point

some of the

warehouse shall have the same Salary for that Warehouse as if
they still Attended Sprigg's point warehouse also and that the In-
spectors at Joppa Warehouse shall have the same Salary for that
Warehouse as if they Attended at the fork Warehouse also

who had
Two In-
spectors, to
have but
One for the

And whereas it is thought as safe and more easy to the people
that several Warehouses which by the said recited Act are under the
care of two Inspectors should hereafter have but one Inspector at

each house

Be it Enacted that at the next return of Inspectors by the Vestrys
and always afterwards during the Continuance of the above recited
Act the Vestry of Chester Parish in Kent County shall return but
two Inspectors for the Warehouse on Warton Creek in the said
County one of which only shall serve at the said Ware house and
shall be paid the Salary of Four thousand eight hundred pounds of
Tobacco and the Vestry of Saint Lukes Parish in Queen Anns
County shall return but two Inspectors for Wells's Warehouse in
the said County one of which only shall serve for the said Ware-
house and shall be Obliged to Attend on the Mondays and Tuesdays


in each Week only except particularly required and be paid the
Salary of Four Thousand eight hundred pounds of Tobacco and
that the several Vestries who by the said recited Act are to return

p. 637

Inspectors for the Ware houses at Kings Town, Parsons Landing,
Emersons Landing, Bruffs landing at Sheerwoods Landing upon
Broad Creek, and at Oxford in Talbot County shall return but two
Inspectors for each of the said Warehouses one of which only shall
serve at the said Ware houses and be paid the Salaries hereafter
mentioned To the Inspector of Kings Town Warehouse Six Thou-
sand four Hundred pounds of Tobacco To the Inspector at Parsons
Landing Six thousand four Hundred pounds of Tobacco To the
Inspector at Emersons Landing Warehouse Nine thousand six
hundred pounds of Tobacco To the Inspector at Bruff's Landing
Warehouse Seven thousand two hundred pounds of Tobacco To the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 244   View pdf image (33K)
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