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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 233   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 233

No. 14 An additional Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an Act for
Quieting Possessions Enrolling Conveyances and securing the
Estates of Purchasers

Liber H. S.
No. 1

Whereas the Act entituled an Act for quieting Possessions en-
rolling Conveyances and securing the Estates of Purchasers in
Ascertaining a way and method for Conveying of Manors Lands
Tenements and Hereditaments extends to and regards only such
Conveyances as Operate by way of Bargain and sale and the good
ends and purposes of the said Act are now in great measure eluded
by the frequent use of Conveyances by ffeeoffment Lease and
Release Confirmation Release Limitation and Declaration of uses
and other modes of Conveying


And Whereas a general registry of all Deeds and Conveyances
of land would very much tend to the Security of Creditors and
purchasers the preservation of titles and thereby to the advancement
of the Value of real Estates and particularly to prevent abuses and
deceits by Mortgages and the purchase of pretended Titles

p. 625

Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships
Governor and the upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same that after the first day of May next no
Estate of Inheritance or Freehold or any Declaration or Limitation
of use or any Estate for above seven years shall pass or take Effect
except the Deed or Conveyance by which the same shall be intended
to pass or take effect shall be Acknowledged in the Provincial Court
or before one of the Justices thereof in the County Court or before
two Justices of the same County where the Lands Tenements or
Hereditaments conveyed by such Deed or Conveyance do lie and be
also enrolled in the Records of the same County or the Provincial

[No Estate
or Freehold,
&c. for above
7 years, to
take Effect,
unless Ac-
in the Pro-
vincial or
Courts, &c]

Court as the case may be within six Months after the date of such
Deed or Conveyance And for the taking which Acknowledgment
there shall be paid to the party or parties taking the same the sum
of one shilling and no more and the Clerk of the Provincial or

[and re-
corded in 6

County Court shall immediately upon the receipt of such Deed or
Conveyance endorse thereon the time of his receiving the same and
shall well and truly in a fair full and legible hand writing enroll
such Deed or Conveyance in a good sufficient Book in folio to be
regularly alphabetted in the names of all and every of the parties
to the same and the name of the Land and quantity of Acres which
Book shall remain in the Custody of the said Clerk of the said Pro-
vincial or County Court and the Clerk aforesaid shall on the back
of every such Deed or Conveyance in a full legible hand make a
Certificate of such enrollment and the time of making it and also of
the folio of the Book in which the same shall be enrolled and shall
to such Certificate set his hand

trate's Fee
The Clerk's

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 233   View pdf image (33K)
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