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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts. 231

end of the next Session of Assembly which shall happen after the
end of the said seven Years

Liber H. S.
No. 1

21st Nov.r 1766
Read and Assented to
by the Lower house of
Signed p Order
MMacnemara ClLoho

IOn Behalf of the right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law
Horo Sharpe

22.d Nov.r 1766
Read and Assented to
by the Upper House of
Signed p Order
UScott Cl. Up. Ho.

the Great seal
in wax appendt

No. 12 An Act to enable the Justices of Charles County Court to Assess
and Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Trinity Parish a quantity
of Tobacco for building a Chapel of Ease in Benedict Hundred in
said Parish and for other Purposes therein mentioned

Whereas the Rector Vestrymen Church Wardens and other the
principal Inhabitants of Trinity Parish and of Benedict hundred
being part of the said Parish in Charles County by their humble
Petition to this General Assembly have set forth that the Church of
the said Parish being very remote and the distance rendering it
inconvenient for the Inhabitants of the said Hundred to attend
Divine Worship they therefore humbly pray that an Act may
pass to enable the Justices of the said County to Levy on the Tax-
able Inhabitants of the said Parish the sum of Fifty thousand pounds


of Tobacco clear of all deductions and Sheriffs Salary for Collection
to be levied at three equal Assessments in order to build a Chapel
of Ease on a rising Ground at the west Entrance into Villets old
fields near the Main road that leadeth from Bryon Town to Benedict
the said situation being Convenient not only for the Inhabitants
of Benedict hundred but many others Contiguous thereto in the said
Parish which being by this present general Assembly thought

p. 623

Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by
and with the Advice and consent of his Lordships Governor and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same That the Justices of Charles County Court for the time being
are hereby Authorized and impowered to Assess and Levy /at
November Court Seventeen hundred and sixty seven and so in
November Court Yearly untill the Year seventeen hundred and
sixty nine inclusive/ at three equal Assessments on the Taxable
Inhabitants of Trinity Parish in the said County a Quantity of
Tobacco not exceeding fifty Thousand pounds of Tobacco in the
whole three Assessments together with the Sheriffs Salary of five
per Cent for Collection which said Quantity of Fifty Thousand
pounds of Tobacco shall be Collected and levied by the Sheriff of
the said County who is hereby Authorized and directed to Collect

[50,000 lb of
Tobacco to
be levied in
Parish, at 3
equal Assess-
ments &c]

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 231   View pdf image (33K)
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