Liber H. S.
No. 1
[A Vestry
House to be
built at
Be it therefore Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships
Governor and the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same That it shall and may be Lawfull for the
Vestry aforesaid and they are hereby directed and required in some
short time after this Session of Assembly to Contract and agree with
some Proper person or persons for the Erecting building and finish-
ing a Sufficient and convenient Vestry House at the place aforesaid
and for Inclosing fencing or Failing in the Church Yard aforesaid
to defray the Cost whereof the said Vestry are hereby directed and
impowered to apply the said Overplus of the one hundred and
thirty thousand pounds of Tobacco lately allotted and allowed to
build and Erect the parish Church of the said Chester Parish beyond
what the said Church will Cost and also Sixteen Thousand pounds
of Tobacco part of the savings aforesaid of the said Parish for the
present Year from the thirty Per Poll by Reason of the Vacancy
of an Incumbent in the said Parish any Law Statute or usage to
the Contrary notwithstanding
And Whereas by an Act of Assembly Entituled an Act for Erect-
ing a new parish in Kent County called Chester parish and for
building a parish Church and Enlarging a Chapel of Ease within
the said new Parish it was Enacted that it should be Lawfull for
the Justices of Kent County Court to Assess and Levy on all the
Taxable Inhabitants of the said County at November Court seven-
teen hundred and sixty six such a sum of Tobacco as with the
Ballance then remaining in the hands of the Vestry of Saint Pauls
Parish unappropriated which had then Arisen on the Vacancy of
an Incumbent in that Parish wou'd make one hundred Thousand
Pounds of Tobacco and the further sum of Eighty Thousand
pounds of Tobacco at the November Court next following to the use
and purpose of building a Church and enlarging the Chapel in the
said Chester Parish and the Vestry of the said Chester parish are
by the said Act impowered to Contract for the building the said
Church and enlarging the Chapel aforesaid but as the said Vestry of
Saint Pauls Parish not being by the said Act expressly directed to
pay the said Ballance remaining in their hands may doubt whether
they are thereby sufficiently Authorized and Impowered to pay
the same
[The Vestry
of St. Paul's
to render
Account to
the Vestry
of Chester
p. 618
Be it therefore hereby Enacted and declared that the said Vestry
of Saint Pauls Parish shall and may and are hereby directed and
required to render an Account to the said Vestry of Chester Parish
of the disposition of the thirty Per Poll of the said Saint Pauls
Parish from the death of the Reverend James Sterling the late
Incumbent until November Court seventeen hundred and sixty five
and to pay the Just Ballance thereof now in their hands unto the
said Vestry of Chester parish or to their order for the use afore-
said and if any part of the said thirty Per poll which arose due as