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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 21

Which was read and Assented to and Signed by Order of the
House by the Honble Speaker.
Ordered that G. Plater and S: Wilson Esq :rs do Acquaint his
Excellency that this House hath Prepared an Address to be Pre-
sented to him and Desires to know when and where he will Please
to receive it They return and Acquaint M.r Speaker the Governor
Signified he would receive the Address immediately in the Con-
ference Chamber
Ordered that William Murdock Esq:r and five more do Present
the Address to the Governor

On Motion of Col.o Tilghman Ordered that a Comfnee be Ap-
pointed to consider and report by what Law or Custom the Lord
Proprietary of this Province receives the fines and forfeitures and
Amercem :ts as also the 12 :d p hogsh :d on all Tobaccos exported out
of this Province Also to enquire and report the annual amount of
such fines forfeitures Amercm:ts and 12.d p h:d distinguishing
the same under proper heads And that Col.o Tilghman J. Ham-
mond J. Hollyday J. Hall S. Chase T. Ringgold Esq:rs M :r J.
Hall of Baltimore William Murdock D: Wolstenholme S. Wilson
Esq.r M.r Worthington M.r Hanson and M.r H. Hall be a Com-
mittee for that Purpose and that the Said Committee have Power and
Authority to send for Persons Papers and Records Necessary to
Perfect such Enquiry and Report the same to the House
The House Adjourns till Monday Morning at 9 of the Clock

L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
May 10

Monday 12:th May 1766.

The House met. According to Adjournment

All Members Appeared as on Saturday except Mess :rs Hammond
and Gantt,

Col :o Hyland M.r Allen M.r Selby M.r Chaille M.r Harris M.r
Josiah Bealle and M.r Pollard Edmundson Appeared in the House

May 12

M :r John Henry a Delegate elected for Dorchester County Ap-
peared in the House.

Ordered that M :r Sullivane and M :r Lecompte do go with that
Gentleman to the Upper House to see him qualified they return and
Acquaint M :r Speaker they saw the Gentleman qualified in the
usual manner, He thereupon took his Seat in the House
Ordered that the Gentlemen App.d on the sev.l Committees have
leave to withdraw
The Governor communicated to M.r Speaker the following Mes-
sage /Viz :t/
I return you thanks for your Address and the hopes it gives me
that your Proceedings during this Session will be agreable to my

p. 362

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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