The Lower House. 149
Post Meridiem.
The House met.
The Governor communicated to M.r Speaker, the following Mes-
sage Viz.t
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
Having in my Possession the Accounts which the several Naval
Officers rendered of the Duty of Tobacco, by them respectively
received for these seven Years past, I send you a brief State thereof,
and also a State from his Lordship's Agent, of the Fines and For-
feitures for eleven Years, which will, I presume, be as satisfactory
as any he could now exhibit. The Account of the Amerciaments
in the Provincial Court, I do not know, but will order an Account
thereof to be laid before you
Nov. 8, 1766. Hor° Sharpe
The House adjourns till Monday Morning at 9 of the Clock
L. H. J.
Liber No. 53
Nov. 8
Monday, November 10.
The House met.
All appeared as on Saturday, except M.r Earle, William Murdock,
Esq and M.r Henry Hall.
Thomas Johnson, and Samuel Chase, Esq.rs appeared in the
Nov. 10
On Motion, M.r Baker hath Leave of Absence.
The House adjourns till 2 of the Clock
Post Meridem.
The House met.
M.r Ward, On Motion, hath Leave of Absence.
M.r Edmondson, and M.r Corbin Lee appeared in the House
Ordered That H. Hollyday, Esq and M.r Fielder Gantt, do go
with those Gentlemen to the Upper House, to see them take the Oath
of Abjuration prescribed by the Act of Parliament, made last Session.
They return, and acquaint M.r Speaker, the Gentlemen has taken
the Oath aforesaid, and subscribed the same.
Benedict Calvert, Esq from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker the following Message from the Governor Viz.t
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,
I am desired to lay before you the inclosed Accounts of sundry
Persons in Frederick County, to whom it seems no Allowance hath
been yet made for Victualling some Soldiers that were quartered
on them during the War. I doubt not, but as the Accounts are
proven, and the Complainants are entitled to Satisfaction, you will
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