142 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Nov. 4
Custom the Lord Proprietary of this Province, receives the Fines &
Forfeitures and Amercements arising in the Courts of Justice, also
the Twelve Pence per Hogshead on all Tobaccoes exported out of
this Province, the Annual Amount of such Fines, Forfeitures,
Amercements, and Twelve Pence per Hogshead, for the last seven
Years; to what Uses and Purposes the same have been applied,
with their Opinion as to the Justice and Receipt of such Application
Ordered, That Col. Tilghman, J. Hammond, J. Hollyday, J.
Hall, T. Ringgold, W. Murdock, S. Wilson, Esq.rs M.r Worthing-
ton, M.r Hanson, and M.r Hall, be a Committee for that Purpose,
and that the said Committee have Power and Authority to send
for Persons, Papers and Records, necessary to perfect such Enquiry,
and report the same to the House
The House adjourns till the Morrow Morning at Nine of the
Nov. 5
Wednesday, November 5.th
The House met.
G. Plater Esq.r and M.r Ward appeared in the House
On Motion of M.r Allen, Leave is given to bring in a Bill, to
repeal an Act, entituled, An Act for the Benefit of the Poor, and
Encouragement of Industry.
Ordered, That M.r Allen, S. Wilson, Esq M.r W. Adams, and
M.r H. Hall, do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On Motion of M.r Allen, Leave is given to bring in a Bill to repeal
an Act to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the Multiplicity of
useless Dogs, &a
Ordered, That M.r Allen, S. Wilson, Esq M.r W. Adams, and
M.r H. Hall, do prepare and bring in a Bill accordingly.
On Motion of S. Wilson, Esq Leave is given to bring in a Bill
to repeal Part of the Act, entitled, An Act for destroying of Crows
and Squirrels &a
Ordered, That S. Wilson, Esq and M.r Allen do prepare and
bring in the same
M.r Grahame brings in, and delivers to M.r Speaker, the following
Report Viz.r
By the Committee appointed by the Honourable the Lower House
of Assembly, to enquire and report what Laws will expire with the
Close of this Journal
Your Committee in Pursuance of the Order and Direction of the
Honourable House, have enquired, and do find that the following
Laws will expire at the End of this Session
p. 434
An Act continuing an Act, entitled, An Act for relieving the
Inhabitants of this Province from some Aggrievances in the Prose-