U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Dec. 6
6th December 1766.
The following Address's being Read and approved of His Ex-
cellency was requested to transmit them to the Right honourable the
Lord Proprietary.
To the Kings most excellent Majesty
The humble Address of the Upper House of Assembly of the
Province of Maryland.
Most Gracious Sovereign.
We your Majestys most dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Upper
House of Assembly of the Province of Maryland, beg leave to pre-
sent Our unfeigned Thanks for the recent and signal Instance of
your Royal Attention to the Welfare of your Majesty's American
When we contemplate and Compare their late distressed Condition
and dismal Prospect, with their present Situation, we admire the
Wisdom and Justice of your Majestys Councils, to which they are
indebted for the happy Change, and our Hearts are filled with grati-
tude to the best of Sovereigns, for an Event so highly interesting,
not only to your American, but also to your British Subjects, the
Welfare of these Colonies and that of your European Dominions
being absolutely inseperable.
We take the Liberty to assure your Majesty, that we shall, by
Our Conduct on all Occasions, endeavour to give continual Proofs
of Our Zeal, Loyalty and respect to your Majesty and the Parlia-
ment of great Britain; With the Greatest fervour, we implore of
Heaven, that the Tranquility, now restored throughout these Prov-
inces, the Affectionate Regard of great Britain towards her Colonies,
and their Attachment to her may be perpetual, and that your Majesty
may long live to enjoy the pleasure, it must afford you, to see all
your Subjects, throughout your extensive Dominions, perfectly
happy under your mild, equal, and auspicious Government
6..th December 1766. Benj: Tasker President
To the Right honourable the Lord Proprietary
The humble Address of the Upper House of Assembly of the
Province of Maryland
p. 367
May it please your Lordship
Impressed with a just Sense of his Majestys tender and affection-
ate Regard for these Colonies, manifested by his ready and chearful
Assent to a Repeal of the Oppressive American Stamp Act, which
had thrown every thing here into the greatest Confusion; We have
thought it our Duty, in an Address to our Most Gracious Sovereign,
to express our grateful Acknowledgements for that Instance of his
attention to the Welfare and Happiness of his Subjects, which Ad-
dress we take the Liberty to transmit to your Lordship, through