by the Act of Assembly lately passed, closing the Paper Currency
Office and appointing Trustees in London to superintend those
Trustees, and we look on this only as a Continuance of the same
Trust, we do not see the Necessity of Joining in any such Address
as your Honours have mentioned However if your Honours should
think otherwise and will be pleased to prepare such Address we are
willing to join therein
Signed p order M: Macnemara Cl: Lo: Ho:
The following Message together with the Address to the Lord Pro-
prietary Sign'd by the President is sent by John Ridout Esq..r
By the Upper House of Assembly Dec..r 1766.
We herewith send you an Address to the Lord Proprietary drawn
in Consequence of your Message by Grahame and Earle
and signed by the President of this House.
Signed p order Upton Scott Cl: Up: Ho: Smallwood and Key bring up the following Engrossed
Bill Read and assented to by the Lower House of Assembly
A Bill Entituled An Act to enable the Commissioners of the
Office for Emitting Bills of Credit, to purchase Stationary Ware
necessary for the Use of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
and for other purposes therein mentioned Read and assented to by
this House and ordered to be so subscribed, the Paper Bill so En-
dorsed is sent by Benedict Calvcrt Esq..r
M.r Hanson brings up the Address to Lord Baltimore Signed
by the Speaker which follows in these Words
To the Right honourable the Lord Proprietary
The humble Address of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly
May it please your Lordship
It being expedient that some Gentlemen, residing in London,
should be appointed Trustees for receiving the Dividends on the
Stock belonging to this Province, in the Bank of England, and
executing certain other Trusts under an Act of Assembly made this
Session, Entituled "An Act for the Payment of the Public Claims,
for emitting Bills of Credit and for other purposes therein men-
tioned" We have taken the Liberty, by the same Act, to put them
under your Lordships Superintendency and direction, and, as it is
of great Importance to the Welfare of this Province, that the Trust,