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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 128   View pdf image (33K)
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128 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

U. H. J.

Liber No. 36
Dec. 5

honourable Charles Pratt Lord Cambden" with a Negative, because
you have thereby assumed the exclusive Right of appropriating or
applying a sum of the Public Money, expressly by Law subject to
the Disposition of the General Assembly; if you will frame a Bill
for the purposes of that which we have rejected, in a manner Con-
sistent with our Rights, We shall be willing to give our Assent to it
Signed p order Upton Scott Cl: Up: Ho:

Read the first and second time by especial Order in this House
the Bill Entituled a Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled An Act
for the Direction of Sheriffs in their Offices and for restraining
their Ill Practices within this Province and will not Pass Sent by
John Ridout Esq.r

Read and assented to the Journal of Accounts

Read the second time the Bill Entituled An Act for the Payment
of the Public Claims for Emitting Bills of Credit, and for other
purposes therein mentioned, and will Pass Sent together with the
Journal of Accounts and the following Message by Richard Lee Esq..r
By the Upper House of Assembly Dec:r 1766.

p. 360


We observe, with great Concern, and no less Surprise, that you
have taken Offence at our Message attending the Return of the Bill
for the Payment of the Public Claims for Emitting Bills of Credit
and for other purposes therein mentioned

We framed it with all the Caution we could use to avoid every
probable Occasion of a Disagreement, which might disappoint the
General Expectation that the Public Claims would be Satisfied, and
some Relief be applied, by an Emission of Bills of Credit, to the
general Distress of the Province, arising from the extreme Scarcity
of Money; but unfortunately the Measure We took, under a very dif-
ferent Conception, you Consider as an Attack upon /as you are
pleased to call it an inherent undoubted and fundamental Right
Claimed by your House
In the Year 1732, when the design of a Paper Emission was first
Conceived, The Lower House sent to the Upper House the following
Message Viz..t "This House being of Opinion that a Paper Currency
would Contribute to retrieve the Trade of this Province, and to
remove many of the Difficulties under which the People Labour,
hath agreed that a Bill shall be brought in for that Purpose, but as
it is a matter of great Weight and Importance to the Country, we
Conceive that it is best, in order to preserve a good Correspondence
in every Step to be taken in an affair of such great Consequence,
and for the Dispatch of the Public Business, to desire a Conferrence
with such Members of your House as your Honours shall think fit to
appoint with some of the Lower House in order to Consider of the

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 128   View pdf image (33K)
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