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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 119   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 119

Thursday Morning November 1766

This House met again according to Adjournment
Present as Yesterday.

M.r Lecompte attends with Col.o John Henry, a Member for
Dorchester County, to see him Qualified, who takes and Subscribes
the Oath of Abjuration directed to be taken by the late Act of Parlia-
ment and then withdraws

A Bill by Wright and Smith Entituled An Act for the
Speedy and effectual Publication of the Laws of this Province
and for the Encouragement of Jonas Green of the City of An-
napolis Printer Read the first and second time in the Lower House
and will Pass. Read the first and second time by an especial Order
in this House and will Pass Sent by John Ridout Esq..r Grahame and Hanson from the Lower House bring up
the following Message

By the Lower House of Assembly Nov..r 1766.
May it please your Honours

Since the Journal was sent up to your House, his Excellency the
Governor has requested an Allowance to be made him for Money
expended by him for Express's and Postage of Letters during the
War; and this House have agreed to Allow him Seventy Pounds.
And on the Petitions of Ann Gaither and Wright Mills, to be re-
imbursed for Damages done them by unknown People, in pulling
down the House claimed to be the Right of the said Ann Gaither
and destroying the Tools and Work of the said Wright Mills who
was repairing the said House, This House have agreed to Allow
the Representatives of Samuel Gaither One hundred Pounds for the
Damages done to the said House, and the Sum of Thirteen Pounds
seven Shillings and three Pence to the said Wright Mills for his

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 27

Damage, and this House likewise have engaged to pay Caleb Dorsey
for fire Wood used by Us this Session, three Pounds fifteen Shillings
We are desirous of adding the above Allowances to the Present
Journal, to be paid with the other Public Claims by the Bill now
before Us, for that purpose, and request your Honours Concurrence

Signed p order M: Macnemara Cl: Lo: Ho:

The following Message is sent by Richard Lee Esq..r
By the Upper House of Assembly November 1766.
We have no Objections to your Inserting in the Journal of Ac-
counts the several Allowances, mentioned in your Message of this
Day by Grahame and Hanson.

We send you with this an Account for fire Wood furnished during

p. 351

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 119   View pdf image (33K)
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