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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 117   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House.


Per Contra

r r

£ S d

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36

By Bills of Exchange

purchases ......... 4873:1 1: 6 @ 45 Ex.

7,066.. 1 3.. 5

Nov. 26

By Ditto ........... 4464: 2: 8 @ 43 ....

6.383..I4.. 2i

By Ditto ........... 1102: 4:11 @ 33 1/3.....

1, 469.. 1 3.. 3

By Money paid to Sundries for Tob.o lost on Ex-

portation for which Duty was paid and now

repaid by Act of Assembly in Nov.r Session

107.. 16.. 8

1765. £80stg :17:6@ 33 1/3.................

By Money paid the Commissioners their Salaries .


By Money paid the Clerk his Salary ...........


By Money paid for Wood for the Office ........

1.. 4....

By Money paid for Postage of Letters .........


By Money paid William Thomas Rent Roll

Keeper of the Eastern Shore his Corn." for the


several sums for Land Tax paid in ..........

By Money paid Col° Edward Lloyd Rent Roll

Keeper of the Western Shore for his Com." on

1:16.. 81

the Land Tax ...........................

By Bills remitted for Col.o Cha.s

Hammond his Bill on Silvanus £490:.....

Grove ...................

and for Rich.d Lee Esq.r on

Steuart and Campbell ......... i- ...: ...:9 1/2

@ 33 1/3 Ex.

653.. 7- 8 1/2

15,863.. 7.. 9 1/4

Balance in the Chest

4.. 6.. 61

15,867..14.. 3 1/2

Your Committee find, by the books in the Office, the following
Persons Still Indebted by Bond or Mortgages Viz..t
Alexander Rind p Bond ................... 30:.....
Littleton Townshend p Mortgage ........... 8o:.....
Henry Baily p Mortgage .................. 50:.....
Rob.t Riddle p Bond and Edw.d Sprigg Secu..y. 31:19:4 1/2
Nath.l Whitaker p Bond Tho.s Lambden D°..... 10:15:..
And your Committee find that the Commissioners have since
November Session 1765. drawn Bills on the Trustees in London
for £108: 4: 9 St..g for the Sinking of £144: 6: 6 in Bills of Credit
brought in the of April last which paid Bills of Credit, have
been during this Present Session, counted and burnt by your Com-
mittee, and that there now remains in the Office 8£: 5s: 4d in Liber
Your Committee have also burnt all the Counterfeit Bills of
Credit which they found lodged.

p. 349

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 117   View pdf image (33K)
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