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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 115

Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment

Present as in the Morning

Benedict Calvert Esq.r brings in the following Report from the
Committee appointed to inspect the Office and Proceedings of the
late Commissioners or Trustees for Emitting Bills of Credit estab-
lished by Act of Assembly

Maryland ss..
At a Committee of both Houses of Assembly appointed to In-
spect the Office and Proceedings of the Commissioners for emitting
Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly

Were Present
The honble Benedict Calvert Esq..r of the Upper House. Brice T: B: Worthington, Josias Beall Jun.r Charles Gra-
hame Rich..d Lloyd Thomas Ringgold, Michael Earle, Henry Hall
and John Hanson Jun..r of the Lower House Who make Choice
of and appoint Benedict Calvert Esq..r Chairman and Rob..t Couden
their Clerk, and agree to make the following Report Viz..t
Your Committee by an Account from the Trustees in London
dated the of May last find that there was then £26,800 Capitol
Stock in the Bank of England belonging to the Province which
Cost £33,357: 12: 6. and £135: 2: 10. a Balance not invested, That
all the Bills of Exchange Drawn by the Commissioners to sink the
late Paper Currency had been paid and Charged in the Trustees
Account excepting only ten Bills amounting to £1199: 17: 7. That
the Commissioners have remitted to the said Trustees Bills of Ex-
change to the amount of £10929: 19: 10 1/2 of which £4634:7: 11
have been received by the said Trustees and Passed to the Credit of
the Province, the remaining Sum of £6295:11:11 1/2 not having

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26

come to hand, And, they the Trustees have since the last Report
accounted for the Sum of £848: 9: 9. remitted by the Naval Officers.

Your Committee have examined the state of the Office, and the
State of Iron Chest N.o 1 and finds it as followeth Viz..t

p. 348


Iron Chest N..o 1.


f s d

To the Balance in Chest p Re-

port of the Committee in Nov.r

11,557..13.10 3/4

Session 1765 in Gold and Silver

and Murdock, Dick and

Wolstenholme their Bill on

Jn.o Buchanan London for

189.. 7..10 1/2

£142:0: 11 @ 33 1/3.........,

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 115   View pdf image (33K)
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