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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 108   View pdf image (33K)
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108 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 6, 1766.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 20

By the Upper House of Assembly Nov.r 1766.
Instructions to Daniel and John Ridout Conferrees ap-
pointed by this House

p. 338

You are to inform the Conferrees of the Lower House, that
since they have alledged the Publication of Acts of Parliament,
in this Province by Proclamation to be without precedent, and
inasmuch as the Necessity of a Speedy Conclusion on the Business
of the Journal, will not now admit of a full enquiry into Precedents,
to which we think great Regard ought to be had, we are willing to
refer the Consideration of the Claim for the Seals to the Proclama-
tions, and of the Printer to a future Session
The Lower House having represented, that their Sentiments are
directly opposite to the Opinion we have, on mature Consideration
formed upon the Subject of the Clerks of the Councils Claims of a
Salary, or Compensation for his Services. You are to inform the
Conferrees of the Lower House, that we are extremely desirous, a
fair and equitable expedient, for terminating the Subsisting differ-
ence may take place, but that the proposition made by them, in
pursuance of the Instructions of their House, appears to us to be
unequal, and inconsistent with Our undubitable Rights, and therefore
we have resolved not to accept thereof on Our Part.
After having Communicated our Resolution respecting their
Proposition you are to observe the following Instructions. You are
to propose to the Conferrees of the Lower House, that an Appeal
be made by the two Houses to his Majesty in Council on the Subject
of their Disagreement, that such Sum of Public Money be paid to
the Order of the President of this House as may be Sufficient to
defray the Expence, which may attend the Prosecution of the Appeal
on our Part, and an equal Sum of Public Money be paid to the
Order of the Speaker of the Lower House, for the like purpose of
defraying the Charge of the Appeal on Their Part, The Quantum,
so that it be equal, you are at large to settle with the Conferrees of
the Lower House. You are to propose moreover, that the Appeal
on each side be made and prosecuted without the Allotment or Ap-
plication of any Public Money for that purpose it is to be understood
that the above is to be offered as an Alternative to the Conferrees of
the Lower House, and in Case they should agree to an Appeal, upon
the Terms either of the former or the latter Proposition, that such
Persons as have Allowances in the Journal of Accounts, or on the
List of Debts shall receive their respective Allowances as soon as
Conveniently may be, and that a sum equal to the amount of the
Claims of the late and present Clerk of the Council be paid into

p. 339

the Hands of One of the Treasurers and placed by him, on good
Security at Interest, and the Principal, together with the Interest,
be accounted for to the late and present Clerk of the Council or
to their Representatives, or as the Property of the Public, in such

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1766-1768
Volume 61, Page 108   View pdf image (33K)
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