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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 608   View pdf image (33K)
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              6o8      Charles County Court Proceedings, 1674.

         Liber F    indebted unto him the sd John Allen considerable sumes of tobaccoe,
               & dyeinge left an estate in the hands of sundry persons, who have
               Combined to Conceale the same on purpose to defraud & deceive his
               Creditors, whereupon the sd John Allen being one of the Cheife
               Creditors was at the charge & did procure & obteined letters of
               Administracon of the goods & Chattles &c of him the sd John Hitch-
               inson, which letters are ready to be produced in Court, And whereas
               William Allen allsoe dee, in his life time, was indebted fifteene
               hundred pounds of good sweet porke unto him the sd John Hitchin-
               son, and dyeinge left his widdow who administred upon his estate,
               whose widdow since is married unto the Defendant Gerrard Browne,
               of whom the plaintife John Allen hath often demanded the 1500 lb
               of porke who of Right ought to pay the same, But the sd Gerrard
               Browne hath refused & doth refuse to pay the same unto the sd
               John Allen, whereupon hee brings his suite, & saith hee is damni-
               fled & hath losse to the value of 3000 lb of tobaccoe
                 And the sd Gerrard Browne by Samuell Cressey his Atturney
               Comes & defends the force & injury when &c: & saith tht hee the
               sd John Allen ought not to have his action against him for that hee
               is barred thereof by a certaine act of Assembly made at St Maries
               Anno Domi 1666 entituled an Act for limitation of sundry actions
               for avoideing of suites at law & of this hee craves judgement.
         [p.32] Whereupon the Defendt Gerrard Browne who married the Relict
               of William Allen dec obteined a nonesuite p order of Court against
               the plaintife John Allen as Admr of all & singular the goods &
               Chattles &c of John Hitchinson dec with cost of suite noe bill of
               cost entred

                 In a matter of difference depending betweene Richard Dod plain-
               tife & Robert Tote Defendant
                 Robert Tote of Charles County Inholder was Attached to Answer
               to Richard Dod of the same County of a plea wherefore hy force &
               armes at the plantation whereon the sd Robert now lives at Wicco-
               comico in the County aforesd one bull of the proper goods & Chat-
               tIes of him the sd Richard of the price of six hundred pounds of
               tobacco out of the woods did fetch & then & there did kill to the
               great damage of him the sd Richard, & Contrary to the peace of
               the Right Honbl the Ld Proprietary.
                 And whereupon the sd Richard by Samuell Cressey his Atturney
               Complaineth against the sd Robert, for that whereas the sd Robert
               did sometime in the Moneth of Septembr in the 43d yeare of the
               Dominion of Caecilius &c over this Province Annoq Domi 1674
               at the house where the sd Robert doth now live at Wiccomiéo in the
               County aforesd fetch up one bull of the proper goods & Chattles of
               the sd Richard of the value of six hundred pounds of tobaccoe out
               of the woods, & the sd bull then & there did kill to the damage of him

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 608   View pdf image (33K)
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