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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 438   View pdf image (33K)
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           438 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674.

          Uber E from the said Jno Mould againe, but the Said John the Said Cittenn
                as not delivered but doth alltogether refuse to Satisfie him the Said
                John Harvy for the Same whereby the said John Harvy Sayes he is
                damnified & hath lost to the value of 250 lb of tob & thereupon he
                brings his Suite
                  and for proof of his declaracon he pduceth these ensueing witt-
                  John Kymborrough Sworn aged 25 yeares or thereabout & de-
                clares; tht the Playntif ordred him to demand the Cittern of him
                the said Jno Mould, and this Deponent Sayes tht as he was passing
                by the house of him said Mould he demanded of him whether the
                Cithern were mended to whome the Said Mould replyed that it was.
                But this Deponent had not Convenience to carry the Same away at
                tht tyme and the Said Mould replyed tht he would take noe f anther
                charge of it and farther sayeth not
                  George Courtreigne Sworne & declares tht he was at the house of
                John Mould and tht he there Saw John Harvy and that then John
                Harvy asked the said John Mould if his Cittern was mended, & the
                said Mould answeared him tht it was not, and the Deponent farther
                Sayeth not,
                  Whereupon the Comishoners ordred tht the Deft pay unto the
                Playntiff one hundred pound of tob wth Costs;
                  The Pltf prferrs this ensueing Bill of Cost WCh being Just was
                allowed of.
                     To Attornyes fees              o6o
                     To 3 dayes attend :            090
                     To Geo: Courtreigne for Evidence Charge o6o

                  Tho: Damour peticoneth the Court for his freedom wch is referrd
                untill the next Court

                  Whereas there was an attachmt gnanted unto Roger Dickeson agt
                the Estate of Japhett Griffin in the hands of John Waters, whereupon
                John Waters makes oath and declares tht he has none of the Goods
                and Chattells of Japhett Griffin, Nothwthstanding it was ordred tht
                the attachmt Should Continue

          [fot. 99] Whereas there was an attachmt granted agt the estate of Edward
                Salmon in the hands of John Posey; John Posey appeareing in
                Court made the Comishoners Sensible tht Edward Salmon Stood
                indebted unto him in a certain Sume of tob: whereupon the Wor-
                shippfull Comissioners ordred tht John Poseyes debt Should be first
                Satisfied and thn the attachmt to continue

                  In a certayne matter of difference depending between Edmond
                Lyndsy Plantf & Fra Lyng & Uxr Defts the playntiffs declaracon is

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 438   View pdf image (33K)
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