Volume 60, Page 38 View pdf image (33K) |
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38 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666—1668. Liber C That he the said William Allen nowe is Lawfullie and justlie pos- sessed of a just and due title, and Claime in lawe of and in the before bargained premises, and hath full and absolute power to Bargaine, sell and assure the same And that the said premises nowe are and for ever hereafter shall be, and Continue free and cleare and freelie and clearelie acquitted, exonerated and discharged of and from all and singular former and other Bargaines sales guifts, graunts Leases Rents, arrearages of rents Charges Mortgages Joynt- ures, Dowers, rights, and titles of Dowers, claimes demands and incumberances whatsoever by him, them, or anie of them formerlie had done, or Comitted, or to be had done or comitted And the said William Allen for himselfe his heires, Executrs and Adminrs the aforesd parcell of Land and all and singular other the premises before graunted, Bargained, and sould wth the appurtenances unto the said Jeremiah Dickenson his heires, and assignes for ever against him the sd William Allen his heires and assignes and against all and everie person or persons whatsoever Law fullie claiming by from or under him; or under them or anie of them and against all other persons whatever shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these Presents And the said William Allen for himselfe his heires, Executrs and Adminrs doth Covenant promise graunt and agree to and wth the said Jeremiah Dickenson his heires, and assignes [p. 83] by these presents, That the said Jeremiah Dickenson his heires and assignes and everie of them shall and may by force and virtue of these presents from time to time, and at all times for ever here- after law fullie peaceablie, and quietlie have, hold, use, occupie possesse and enjoy the said Land and all and singular the before graunted premises wth all and everie of their rights, members, and appurtenances and have receave, and take the rents issues and proffits thereof to his and their owne proper uses and behoofes without anie matter of lett trouble evicon or interruption of or by the said William Allen his heires Executrs Adminrs or assignes or anie of them, or of or by anie other person, or persons whatsoever (The rents and ser- vices wch from henceforth from time to time for and in respect of the first menconed premises hereby sould shall growe due and pay- able to the Cheife Lord or Lords of the fee or fees thereof for and in respect of their Seigniorie or Segniories onlie excepted and fore- prized) and the said William Allen doth further Covenant, and promise, that he the said William Allen his heires Executrs and Adminrs shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter within the space of seaven yeares next ensueing the date hereof upon the reasonable request and at the Cost and charges in the Lawe onlie of the said Jeremiah Dickenson his heires Executrs Adminrs or assignes make, seale, Convey, and Deliver such further assurance [p. 84] or assurances for the before bargained Premises as the sd Jeremiah Dickenson his heires Executrs Adminrs or assignes or anie of them his their or anie of their Councell learned in the Lawe shall him the |
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Volume 60, Page 38 View pdf image (33K) |
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