Volume 60, Page 297 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674. 297 a marked Oke in the woods by the head of a swamp bounding on the Liber E South by a lyne drawne west for breath fifety pches to a marked Peckickory tree by a hill side on the west by a lyne North, from the Peckickory, for lenght three hundred & twenty pches to an Oke by a runn side In a swamp on the North by a lyne drawne East from the sd Oke for breath fifety pches to a marked Pickickory by a swamp [lot. 24] on the East by a lyne drawne by a lyne drawne south from the sd Pickikory unto the first marked Oke, containeing and layde out for one hundred acres be the same more or less The other parcell Called Johnsons retyremt begining at a marked. Pickikory being the bound tree of Danyell Mount and runing south for the length of thyrty pches to a bounded locust & from the sayd locust runing East for the length of nynety pches to a marked Oke standing in the mayne Swamp of Sacaio bounding on the East by a lyne drawne north from the sayd Oke, to a bounded Oke being the first bound tree, of Daniells Mount aforesayde continueing the sayd North lyne from the sayd Oke for length two hundred & twenty pches to a bounded Oke on the North by a lyne East from the end of the former lyne for the length fifety pches, to a bounded Gumm on the East by a lyne drawne South from the End of the sayd East lyne, two hundred & eighty pches to a bounded Oke tht intersects a paralell lyne drawne west to the bounded Oke, standing in Sacaio Swamp, on the South and the west wth the sayd North lyne, contayneing and layd out for one hundred acres more or lesse, Now in the Tenor & occupacon of him the sd Sam: Fendall his heyres or Assignes, all and singuler the sd parcells of land together wth all and singuler the houses build- ings Structures and Edifices thereunto belonging or apptayning together all the Gardens pastures Orchardes feedings Comons of pastures ranges for hoggs woods underwoods water courses fish- ings fowleings Easemts pfitts comodetyes & hereditamts wtsoever unto the sd parcell of land belonging or in any manner of way apptayneing, To Have & to hold, the sd parcell of Land and all and singuler the afore menconed prmisses to be hereby bargayned and Sold, wth the appurtenances and every part and parcell thereof wtsoever before named or recited unto the sd William Barton his heyres Executrs & Administrs forever, and the sd Sam: Fendall for himselfe his heyres Executrs & Administratrs doe covenant grant and agree to and wth the sd William Barton his heyres Executrs Administratrs and Assignes & every of them by these prsents, That he the sd William Barton his heyres Executrs Administratrs and Assignes shall and may quyetly [fol.25] & lawfully peaceably have hold occupye possess & Enjoy all and singuler the prmisses before by these prsents bargained and Sold, And every part and parcell thereof, wth every the Rights members and Appurtenances, wthout the lawfull lett sute trouble Eviccon expulcon Inturrupcon or demand, of or by the Fendall or of or by his heyres Executrs Administratrs or any or either of thm or by |
Volume 60, Page 297 View pdf image (33K) |
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