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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 293   View pdf image (33K)
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           Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674.     293

     his heyres and Assignes shall and will from tyme to tyme and at Liber E
     all tymes hereafter dureing the space of seven yeares at the reason-
     able request and at the Prop Cost and Charge of him the sayd
     Thomas Allanson in the Law his heyres and Assignes make doe
     execute and Suffer, and cause to be made done executed or suffered
     All and such farther Act and Acts thing or things device or devices
     assureance or assureances wtsoever requesite in the prmisses for the
     better assureing and more sure makeing of the said bargained
     prmisses unto him the said Tho: Allanson his heyres and Assignes
     forevr, Be it enrolemt of these prsents fine feofemt or otherwayes,
     or by any such lawfull way or meanes as by him the said Thomas
     Allanson his heyres and Assignes or his or theyre Councell learned
     in the law shall be reasonably devised advised or required In Wit- [fol. 17]
     ness whereof the partyes to these Indentures have interchangeably
     sett theyre handes and Seales the day and yeare above written
     Signed Sealed & delivered  Thomas Stone (locus
     in the prsence of us               sigilli)
       Thomas Robinson
          Edward Robarts
     Memorandum That full and peaceable possession in Luivery and
     Seizen of landes and Tenemts wthin menconed wth the appurtenances,
     was given and delivered by the wthin named Thomas Stone to the
     wthin named Thomas Allanson according to the forme and Effect of
     the wthin written deed this tenth day of January Annoq Dni 1670
     In the prsence of us             Thomas Stone
        Tho:   Robinson
        Edward Robartes

       To All Cristian people to whome these prsents shall come I Andrew
     I Andrew Watson send greeting In our Lord God Everlasting Know
     Yee tht I Andrew Watson of the County of Stafford In Virginia
     Planter, for and in Consideracon of the love good will and Affec-
     con tht I beare toward William Pinner the Youngest Sonn of
     Richard Pinnar late deceased as allso for divers good causes and
     consideracons me thereunto moveing; Have given graunted and
     confirmed and by these prsents doe give graunt and confirme unto
     Allexander White of Charles County in the Province of Maryland
     Planter, All tht parcell or tract of Land Called & knowne by the name
     of Watsons Addition Scituate lyeing and being in the said Charles
     County on the North side of Potomack River begining at a marked
     Pickikery Standing by the water being the bound tree of the free
     hold granted to the said Andrew Watson and John Tomkinson and
     runing North East downe the said river for breadth the length of
     thirty seven pches to a marked Oake Standing by the water side [fol. 18]
     neare a marsh called Watsons Marsh bounding on the East wth the
     sd Marsh and a lyne drawne North west into the woods for the length
     of three hundred and twenty pches to a marked Oake, on the North

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 293   View pdf image (33K)
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