Volume 60, Page 281 View pdf image (33K) |
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1671—1674. 281 veying of all & singular the before hereby granted prmises wth their & Liber D every of their Appurtenances unto the sd George Langham his heirs and Assignes for ever In Witness whereof the parties first above written have Interchangably to these prsent Indenturs sett their hands & Seales the day & yeare above written. Signed Sealed & Deliver'd Gerard Browne 0 in the prsence of Us Stephen Mountague Thoms Allanson The County Court of the Right Honble Caecilius absolute Lord & Liber E Propryetary of the Province of Maryland holden at Portobacco in [fol. 1] Charles County before the Justices of the Court the 10th day of January in the xxxviiii yeare of the Dominion of his Lordsp Annoq Dni 1670 being there prsent Mr Henry Adams Mr Thomas Mathewes Mr Joseph Harrison Mr John Stone Mr Humphry Warren Mr Francis Pope Mr John Bowles All manner of psons who have any thing to doe at this Court holden here this day draw neare and give yr attendance Upon complaynt made by Mr Humphry Warren Comishonr agt Hugh French, it was ordred tht the sd French give good Securety for his good behavior till the next Court, Jeremiah Dickinson prsents a Servt named John Burkhaine who is Judged to be 15 yeares of age, Jeremiah Mackmere and Phillis his wife wth the consent of the Court doe bynde theyre Sonn John Howard to Robert Littlepage till he shall attayne the yeares of 21 Clement Theobalds prsents a Servt called George Short who is Judged to be 17 or 18 yeares of age William Love prsents a Servt called Thomas Tod who is Judged to be 13 yeares of age Mr Thomas Stone prsents a Servt who is called James Divell who is Judged to be 14 yeares of age John Chirman acknowledgeth this deed of 600 acres of Land unto Mr Benjamin Rozer called St Elizabeth This Indenture made the tenth day of January in the xxxviiii yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius absolute Lord & Propryetary of the Province of Maryland. & Annoq Dni one thousand six hundred & Seaventy Betweene John Chirman of Charles County Plantr of the one part and Benjamin Rozer of the same County Merchant one |
Volume 60, Page 281 View pdf image (33K) |
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