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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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           176 Charles County Court Proceedings, 1668—1670.

          Liber D and formerly Belonging to Captain William Boarman Beginning
           at a Marked oake being the Dividing tree Between Richard True and
           Andrew Watson Standing in the Low ground neare the fresh Runne
           [p.and Running East North East into the Woods for the Length of
           toe Hundred and Fifty pearches to an oake Bounding on the east
           with a Line Drawn Nore West eighty five perches to an oake on
           the North with a Line drawn West from the end of the former
           Line to an oake Bounding upon the side of the Fresh runne of
           Nangemy Creeke on the West wth the Fresh on the South containing
           and Laid out for Seaventy five acres Be it more or lesse wth all and
           Singular its rights Members Jurisdictions & appurtenances together
           wth all Houses Buildings orchards gardens yards Backsides Easemts
           Lands tenem*s Meadowes Feedings pastures Woods underwoods
           Waies Proffits hereditamts and appurtenances whatsoever to the sd
           Land and Premises or to any part or parcell thereof Belonging or
           in any Manner of waies Appertaining and allsoe all the estate right,
           title, interest use Property Claime or demand whatsoever of him
           the sd Andrew Watson of, in, or to the same and all Deeds Writeings
           and evidences whatsoever touching or Concerning the Premises or
           any part or Parcell thereof To Have and to Hold the aforesd Parcell
           of Land and all and Singular the Premises wth their and every of
           their Rights Members and appurtenances whatsoever unto the said
           Gerrard Browne his heires and Assignes for ever and the sd Andrew
           Watson Doth for himself e his heires Executors and Assignes Cove
           nant promise and graunt to and with the said. Gerrard Browne his
           heires and assignes tht he the sd Andrew Watson Now is Lawfully
           and justly Possessed of a just and due title and Claime in Law
           of and in the Before Bargained premises and hath full and absolute
           Power to Bargaine Sell, & assure the same and tht the sd Premises
           now are and for ever hereafter shall be and Continue free, & Cleare
           and freely and Clearely acquitted exonerated and Discharged of and
           from all and Singular other Bargaines sales gifts graunts Leases
           rents arrearages of rents rent Charges Mortgages Jointures Dowers
           rights and titles of Dowers Claimes and Demands whatsoevet by
           him them or anie of them formerly had Done or Comitted or to be
           had Done or Committed And the sd Andrew Watson for himselfe
           his heires Executors and Adminrs the aforesd parcell of Land and
           all and Singular other the premises before Graunted Bargained and
           Sold with the appurtenances unto the sd Gerrard Browne his heires
           and assignes for ever agt him the sd Andrew Watson his heires and
           assignes and agt all and every person or persons whatsoever Lawfully
           Claiming from by or under him them or anie of them and agt all
           other persons whatsoever Shall and Will Warrant and for ever
           Defend by these presents And the sd Andrew Watson for himselfe
           his heires Executors and Adminrs Doth Covenent promise graunt and
           Agree to and wth the sd Gerrard Browne his heires and assignes
           for ever and every of them by these presents tht he the sd Gerrard

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Proceedings of the County Courts of Charles County 1666-1674
Volume 60, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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