Acts. 321
thereof Duty ffree it shall and may be lawful for the said Commis-
sioners or Trustees to repay the Proprietors of the said Tobacco
so lost or whoever shall have Power and Right to receive the same
to the Amount of the said ffifteen Pence p Hogshead in Bills of
Exchange or Cash to the Value if Demand is made whilst they shall
have any Bills or Cash in their Hands to pay the same and within
the Time aforesaid and if they should not have any Bills or Cash in
their Hands when such Demand is made as aforesaid it shall and
may be lawful for the said Commissioners or Trustees to give an
Order for the same in Current Money on one of the Provincial
Treasurers at the Exchange or Advance of thirty three Pounds six
Shillings and eight Pence p Cent for the Sterling and the Treasurer
on whom the same is drawn is hereby obliged and required to pay
the Money so drawn for out of the Countrys Money in his Hands
any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding
Liber H. S.
No. 1
And whereas by the Account returned by William Murdoch
Edward Tilghman and Thomas Ringgold Esquires to this general
Assembly of the Disposition of the five hundred Pounds directed by
Ordinance to be paid to them by the Treasurer of the western Shore
it appears that there is a Considerable Ballance of that Money to
be returned into the Treasury Be it therefore enacted that the said
William Murdock, Edward Tilghman and Thomas Ringgold shall
and are hereby directed and required to pay the said Ballance of
Money now in their Hands to the said Commissioners or Trustees
who are hereby directed to purchase Bills of Exchange therewith
and remit the same as aforesaid for the Use aforesaid the said
Ordinance or any thing else to the Contrary notwithstanding
of the
Money re-
turn'd by
the Com-
missioners to
New York]
Provided always that Nothing in this Act Contained shall be
construed to oblige the said Commissioners or Trustees by their
necessary Indorsement of such Bills of Exchange as they may
indorse for the Negotiation thereof to be answerable to the Public
for the said Monies in Case of Protest of such Bills & Failure of
the Drawer or Indorser thereof
[Proviso as
to Indorse-
And whereas it is hoped that the now Right Honourable the
Lord Proprietary of this Province will be pleased to Continue in the
Trust and Care of superintending & directing the Conduct and Be-
haviour of the said Trustees residing in London as he and his noble
Father have heretofore done under the said recited Act and which
Goodness is most gratefully acknowledged Be it enacted that the
[The Pro-
prietor to
in London]
said now Lord and Proprietary of this Province shall and is hereby
invested with all the Powers and Authorities over the said Trustees
residing in London as to displacing and nominating and appointing
anew and all other Matters and Things relative to the Execution
of the Trust of the said Trustees residing in London during the
Existence thereof under this Act as the Lord Proprietary was by
p. 590