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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 320   View pdf image
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320 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.

Liber H. S.

No. 1

now in their Office to purchase good Bills of Exchange on London
on the best Terms they can to be either drawn or indorsed by a
good and substantial Person or Persons residing in this Province
and having in the Judgment and Opinion of the said Commissioners
a sufficient Estate within this Province to answer the Money so
drawn for with Damages in Case of a Protest. And the said Bills
of Exchange so as aforesaid respectively purchased and also the
Bills of Exchange now in their Office shall with all possible Speed

[To be re-
mitted to the
Trustees in

be remitted by the said Commissioners or Trustees to the Trustees
residing in London for the Time being who are hereby impowered
and directed to apply the same to the Purchase of Bank Stock for
the Use of the Province of Maryland to be applied and disposed
of as the general Assembly of this Province shall direct and appoint
in the same Manner and under the same Limitations as they might
have applied any Monies remitted under the said recited Act and
shall and may retain the like Commission for their Trouble therein
as they could or might retain for Monies remitted under the said
recited Act.

[The Ex-

Provided nevertheless that the said Commissioners or Trustees
shall not give for the said Bills of Exchange more than fforty five
Pounds p Cent Advance on the Sterling Sum of the said Bills in
Gold or thirty three Pounds six shillings and eight Pence p Cent
in Silver

[Paper Bills
not to be
received in
the Office
after the
last of April

And be it further enacted that from and after the last Day of
April next it shall not be lawful for the said Commissioners or
Trustees to receive & pay for any of the said Bills of Credit, as
they before that Day might and ought to do but that their Power
Authority and Salary and the Salary of their Clerk shall then cease
and determine any thing in this Act or the said recited Act to the
Contrary notwithstanding.

And whereas it is represented to this general Assembly that there
have been sundry parcels of Tobacco exported before the twenty
ninth Day of September seventeen hundred and sixty four for

p. 589

which the Duty of fifteen Pence Sterling p Hogshead was collected
and paid under the before recited Act and which said Tobacco was

[On sufficient
Proof of
lost on
the 15 d.
Duty to be

lost on the Exportation thereof from this Province and the like
Quantity has not been reshipped or exported in the stead thereof
Duty free as by the same Act was allowed to be done Be it therefore
enacted by the Authority aforesaid that upon sufficient Proof being
made to the Satisfaction of the Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid
on or before the aforesaid last Day of April next of any such
Tobacco having been exported and the said Duty of ffifteen Pence
p Hogshead having been paid thereon and that the said Tobacco
was actually lost in the Exportation thereof from this Province and
that no other Tobacco had ever been allowed to be exported in Stead

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1764-1765
Volume 59, Page 320   View pdf image
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