Statute Act Ordinance or provision to the Contrary thereof Not-
And further our pleasure is and by these presents for us our heirs
and Successors We do Covenant and Grant to and with the said
now Lord Baltimore his heirs and Assigns that we our heirs and
Successors shall at no time hereafter Set or make or cause to be Set
any Imposition Custom or other Taxation Rate or Contribution
whatsoever in or upon the Dwellers and Inhabitants of the aforesaid
Province for their Lands Tenements Goods or Chattels within the
said Province or in or upon any Goods or Merchandizes within the
said Province to be laden or unladen within any the Ports or Harbours
of the said Province And our Pleasure is and for us our heirs and
Successors We Charge and Command that this our Declaration shall
be hence forward from time to time received and allowed in all our
Courts and before all the Judges of us our heirs and Successors for a
Sufficient and lawfull Discharge Payment and Acquittance Com-
manding all and Singular our Officers and Ministers of us our heirs
and Successors and enjoyning them upon pain of our high Dis-
pleasure that they do not presume at any time to Attempt any thing
to the Contrary of the Premisses or that they do in any Sort with-
stand the same but that they be at all times Aiding and Assisting as
is fitting unto the said now Lord Baltimore and his heirs and to the
Inhabitants and Merchants of Maryland aforesaid their Servants
L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Sept. 27