L. H. J.
Liber No. 52
Sept. 27
Which was read and Assented to and Signed by Order of the
House by the Honourable Speaker and was sent to the Upper House
by M :r J. Goldsborough and M.r Mackall
M.r Murdock from the Committee Appointed brings in and de-
livers to M.r Speaker the following Report of Resolves drawn up
by that Committee for the Approbation of the House Viz.t
By the Committee Appointed to Draw up resolves declarative of
the Constitutional Rights of the Freemen of this Province
Your Committee humbly Submit the following to the Considera-
tion of the Honourable House 1:st Resolved Unanimously that the
first Adventurers and Setlers of this Province of Maryland brought
with them and transmitted to their Posterity and all other his Maj-
estys Subjects since Inhabiting in this province all the Liberties
privileges Franchises and Immunities that any time have been
held enjoyed and possessed by the People of Great Britain
2.d Resolved Unanimously that it was Granted by Magna Charta
and other the Good Laws and Statutes of England and Confirmed
by the Petition and Bill of Rights that the Subject should not be
Compelled to Contribute to any Tax Tallage Aid or other like
Charge not set by common Consent of Parliament
3:d Resolved Unanimously that by a Royal Charter Granted by
his Majesty King Charles the first in the eighth Year of his Reign
And in the Year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred and thirty
two to Caecilius then Lord Baltimore it was for the Encouragement
for People to Transport themselves and families in to this Province
amongst other things Covenanted and Granted by his said Majesty
for himself his heirs and Successors as followeth And we will also
and for our more Special Grace for us our heirs and Successors we
do Strictly enjoin Constitute Ordain and Command that the said
Province shall be of our Allegiance and that all and Singular the