shall have no Benefit by the Limitation or Restriction in the said
Act Specified but hath made no provision in the Case wherein the
Person or Persons liable to the Same hath or have been is are or
may be absent out of the Province at the time when any Cause of
Action may have arisen or accrued or Shall or may arise or accrue
against him her or them tho the said Case falling under the same
Reason ought to have the same Remedy
reciting Part
of 1715, ch.
Be it therefore Enacted By the Right Honourable the Lord
Proprietary By and with the advice and consent of his Lordships
Governor and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the
Authority of the same, That if any Person or Persons liable or that
hath or have been or shall or may be liable to any Action or that
hath or have been or shall or may be absent out of this Province
at the Time when the Cause of Action hath Arisen or accrued or
shall or may arise or accrue against him her or them He she or
They, shall have or receive no Benefit or Advantage of or from the
said recited Act,
[Persons, ab-
sent, &c, to
receive no