278 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.
Liber H. S.
No. 1
or other Head of a Family shall forfeit, and pay the sum of Twenty
shillings for every such offence the said sum to be recovered before
any Single Justice of the Peace as aforesaid one half whereof to the
Informer and the other half to the Sheriff of the County for the
Same Uses as the Tax raised by Virtue of this Act.
This Act to Continue and be in, force, for, three years, and to the
end of the Next session of Assembly that may happen after the end
of the said three years.
December 4.th 1765.
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p order
MMacnemara Cl: Lo. Ho.
On Behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I Will this be a Law
Hor:o Sharpe
the great Seal
in Wax App.t
5.th Dec.r 1765
Read and assented to
By the Upper House of
Signed by order
UScott, Cl: Up. Ho.
No. 11
An Act for the Relief of Certain languishing Prisoners in the Several
Goals therein mentioned.
with the
names of
Prisoners re-
lieved by this
Whereas James Dailey and William Spry languishing Prisoners
in Queen Anne's County Goal, Stephen Garland, Isaac Roads, and
John Garlington languishing Prisoners in Somerset County Goal,
Levin Townshend a languishing Prisoner in Worcester County Goal,
Nathaniel Wickham, John Turnbull, John Lanham and John Camp-
p. 546
bell languishing Prisoners in Frederick County Goal, Dorcas Warner
William Clowes Thomas Tyler and George Cox languishing Prison-
ers in Dorchester County Goal, John Brown a languishing Prisoner
in Saint Mary's County Goal, Samuel Tannehill Baldwin Skidmore &
John Brashears languishing Prisoners in Prince Georges County
Goal, Augustine Pecker Stephen Johnson Nicholas Minskie John
Knox Samuel Tunbridge Luke Gill Jasper Hall languishing Prison-
ers in Ann Arundel County Goal, John Hughes Nathan Shaw John
Lemons John Grenif Howard John Denning John Jones John Con-
dron Soloman Wheeland Joseph Barham and Thomas West languish-
ing Prisoners in Baltimore County Goal and John Wood a languish-
ing Prisoner in Calvert County Goal by their Petitions to this present
general Assembly have Set forth that they have respectively con-
tinued Prisoners for Debt in the Custody of the Sheriffs of the
respective Counties aforesaid for a considerable time past and still
continue in the like deplorable Circumstances not being able to
redeem their Bodies with all the Estate or Interest they have in the
World which they would readily Surrender up and part with to their
several and respective Creditors if they would accept of the same
and grant the said Petitioners their Liberty which seems so unlikely
for them to obtain (that unless relieved by a particular Act to be
passed in their Favour which by their said Petitions they have
humbly prayed) they must inevitably continue Prisoners for Life