264 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-December 20, 1765.
Liber H. S.
No. 3
Bills, etc. of
equal nature
with For-
eign, etc.]
A Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an Act ascertaining what
Damages shall be allowed upon Protested Bills of Exchange
Be it Enacted by the right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by and
with the advice and Consent of his Lordships Governor and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same That the Debt or Damage which shall or may become due or
arise Upon or from the nonpayment of any Inland Bill of Exchange,
Order or negotiable Note which shall or may be Drawn or passed
after the first Day of January next shall be deemed and accounted
a Debt of equal nature with any Foreign Protested Bill of Exchange
returned into this Province within four years after the date thereof
and in the payment of Debts by Executors or Administrators shall
be discharged in the same Rank and Degree with such foreign Pro-
tested Bill as aforesaid Timely notice being given thereof This Act
to Continue for three years and unto the end of the next session of
Assembly which Shall happen after the Expiration of the said three
4 Dec.r 1765.
Read and Assented to
by the Lower House of
Signed p Order
MMacnemara Cl, Lo, H,
On Behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I Will this be a Law
Hor..o Sharpe
December the 5.th 1765
Read and Assented to
By the Upper House of
Signed p order
UScott Cl: Up: Ho.
The Great Seal
in Wax app.t
No. 4
An Act to enable the Justices of Saint Marys County Court to Assess
and Levy on the Taxable Inhabitants of Saint Andrews Parish
a quantity of Tobacco for Building a Church and for other Pur-
poses therein mentioned
Whereas the Rector, Vestrymen Church Wardens and other the
principal Inhabitants of Saint Andrews Parish in Saint Marys County
by their humble Petition to this general Assembly have set forth,
that the Church of the said Parish is an Antient Building, very much
p. 534
gone to Ruin, so that it Cannot be Expected to Stand long nor is it
practicable to repair the same They therefore humbly pray that an
Act may pass to enable the Justices of the said County to Levy on the
Taxable Inhabitants of the said Parish the sum of two hundred
Thousand Pounds of Tobacco, clear of all deductions, and Sheriffs
Salary for Collection to be Levied at three equal Assessments, in
order to Build a new Church in the said Parish, which being by this
present general Assembly thought reasonable
[200,000 lb
Tobacco, to
be levied at
Three As-
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the advice and consent of his Lordships Governor, and the
Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly and the Authority of the
same, that it shall and may be Lawful to and for the Justices of Saint
Marys County Court for the time being, and they are hereby