A Bill Entituled an Act to revive and aid the proceedings of Caecil
County Court
A Bill Entituled an Act to prevent the Mischiefs arising from the
Multiplicity of Useless Dugs and for other purposes therein men-
A Bill Entituled an Act to empower Mary Covington Admix of
Philip Covington late of Somrset County deced to sell and dispose
of the Lands of the said Philip for the purposes therein mentioned
A Bill Entituled an Act for the Relief of several languishing
Prisoners in the Goals therein mentioned And
A Bill Entituled an Act to enable the justices of S.t Marys County
Court to assess and levy on the Taxable Inhitants of S.t Andrews
parish a Qty of Tobo for Building a Church and for other Purposes
therein mentioned which Bills were severally Indorsed By the Upper
House of Assembly 5.th Dec.r 1765
The Ingrossed Bill whereof this is the Original is read and As-
sented to
Signed p Order UScott Cl Up Ho
The Bill Entituled an Act to vest the Title of and in certain Lands
in John Hammond Esq.r was read and passed for Ingrossing
The Ingrossed Bill Entituled a Supply Act to the Act Entituled an
Act for the Limitation of certain Actions for avoiding Suits at Law
was Indorsed 5.th Dec:r 1765
Read and Assented to By the Lower House of Assembly
Signed p Order MMacnemara Cl Lo. Ho
The House adjourns 'till the Morrow Morning at 9 o the Clock