People called Quakers and to prevent the tumultuous Concourse of
Negroes and other Slaves during the said Meetings And also One
other Act Entituled an Act to amend and explain an Act Entituled
an Act to prevent certain Evils and Inconveniencies attending the
Sale of Strong Liquors and running of Horse Races near the Yearly
Meetings of the People called Quakers and to prevent the tumultuous
Concourse of Negroes and other Slaves during the said Meetings
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act to
exempt Persons appearing at Musters from Arrests in Civil Cases
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act for
Punishment of Horse Stealers & other Offenders
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act for
destroying wolves in Frederick County
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Act
for repairing the Publick Roads in this Province and the Supple-
mentary Act thereto
The Bill Entituled an Act continuing an Act Entituled an Add.l
Suppl.y Act to the Act Entituled an Act relating to Servants and
The Bill Entituled a Supply Act to the Act Entituled an Act for
amending the Staple of Tobacco for preventing Frauds in his Matys
Customs and for the Limitation of Officers Fees
Which Bills were severally Indorsed By the Upper House of
Assembly Dec.r 1765 Read the first and second Time by especial
Order and will pass
Signed p Order U Scott Cl Up Ho
The aforesaid Bills were here severally read and passed for In-
James Hollyday Esq.r brings in and delivers to Mr Speaker a
Bill Entituled an Act to vest the Title of and in certain Lands in
John Hammond Esq.r and for other purposes therein mentioned
was read the first and second Time by Especial Order and will pass
and was sent to the Upper House by John Hammond and John
Hall Esq.s
George Plater Esq.r has Leave of Absence
The House adjourns 'till the Morrow Morning at 9 of the Clock